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Healing from Sexual Violence

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Healing from Sexual Violence
The Case for Vicarious Restorative Justice
by Alissa Ackerman, PhD, and Jill Levenson, PhD
Ackerman and Levenson propose a bold new approach to working with adults who have sexually offended. Rather than solely focusing on punishment, they suggest integrating methods to help perpetrators and victims provide each other with what they both badly need: deeper understanding, accountability, and feelings of empathy and remorse. Ackerman and Levinson ask:
“What if we lived in a culture where [those who sexually offend] were encouraged to authentically take responsibility and to express their remorse directly to the victim for causing her suffering?”
The technique of restorative justice, in which victims volunteer to enter a safe space and converse with those who have committed an offense against them, has been in use for centuries among indigenous cultures. In the 1970s, the approach became more popular in part thanks to the Sycamore Tree Project, which seeks to foster justice and peace by “…joining offenders and victims to discuss accountability, increasing awareness of how crime creates harm.”
Restorative Justice
Ackerman and Levenson review the supportive research on Restorative Justice, showing that it can be an effective way for victims to feel a greater sense of closure than they receive from what the criminal justice system provides. Restorative Justice has been shown to reduce recidivism, for example. However, the restorative justice approach has been rarely used in cases of sex crimes. There are concerns that putting victims and those who perpetrate these offenses in the same room could lead to re-traumatizing the victim.
Is there, then, still a way for victims to benefit from the ideas behind the restorative justice approach?
Enter Vicarious Restorative Justice (VRJ)
Ackerman and Levenson have found that a variation on the typical restorative justice approach can have a positive impact not only for victims but for those who have offended as well. This VRJ approach “…brings people who have offended together with people who have been victimized, but not by their own specific offenders.” The individuals attending these meetings have already expressed their commitment to gaining a deeper understanding of the impact of their actions. They are prepared to take responsibility for their behavior and are willing to empathize with those who have been harmed. Survivors are given a supportive space to share their stories and the profound impact on their lives and loved ones. The meetings cultivate an atmosphere that is both nurturing and free from judgment.
All participants receive thorough preparation from trained clinicians to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the experience. While open discussion between the victim and offender is permitted, the questions have been carefully considered by the clinician beforehand.
Tools used in VRJ include role-playing and empathy-building exercises. Ackerman and Levenson walk the reader through these exercises, explaining the role of “proxy victims” and how facilitators guide the process.
Extensive Case Studies
Ackerman and Levenson bring years of experience to this book. Every chapter includes descriptions of events modified slightly from their real-life work in the field of sex offender treatment. There is also an entire chapter dedicated to an in-depth analysis of “Jerry,” “Brad,” and Bobby”: their crime and their experiences in vicarious restorative justice meetings.
“Going through the criminal justice process would not have helped me heal. I would have been re-traumatized, and it would have changed nothing about having been raped. Participating in these vicarious restorative justice sessions is what brought me justice and peace. It brought me answers to questions I’ve pondered for 17 years.”
An Invaluable Guide for Clinicians
Though the book includes 16 pages of references, it is not an “academic” report. It is a book that provides the reader with a background in the restorative justice approach, and then in chapter six (“Using Vicarious Restorative Justice in Clinical Practice”), they carefully detail how modifying this approach to include a vicarious component is created.
A Call for a Paradigm Shift
The authors point out that VRJ incorporates trauma-informed care principles that emphasize personal safety, compassion, and collaboration. VRJ is a shift that takes us beyond the sole focus on punishment while encouraging personal accountability, empathy, mutual sharing, and an acknowledgement of our common humanity.
“We argue that the conversation must shift from punishment and management to restorative and transformative justice. We stress the importance of this necessary change by utilizing a survivor-centered perspective. Indeed, current criminal justice practices often deny crime victims the very experiences they need to heal….we question how judicial processes might help all parties find healing and closure.”
Healing From Sexual Violence provides clinicians—particularly those involved in the treatment of adults who have committed sexual offenses—with a new perspective on their work and equips them with valuable resources to support their clients.
Some early praise
Healing from Sexual Violence "revolutionizes our understanding of sexual trauma and potential paths toward healing." - Karen Terry, PhD, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
"A book of hope and possibility." - David R. Karp, PhD, Skidmore College
"I strongly recommend this paradigm-shifting book..." - Martin Howard, Sycamore Tree Project
ISBN: 978-1-940234-15-1
Order#: WP198
140 pages
Price: $20.00