Webinar Survey: Evaluating Deaf People Who Have Sexually Abused Webinar Survey: Evaluating Deaf People Who Have Sexually Abused 1. Please rate the overall quality of this webinar in terms of its usefulness to you. * 0 – Not Useful 1 2 3 4 5 – Very Useful 2. How do you feel about the length of the webinar? * 1 – Too Short For Me 2 3 – Just Right! 4 5 – Too Long For Me 3. Please chose one of the following to complete this sentence: I signed up to view this webinar primarily because of my interest in * the subject of the conversation this particular guest speaker all Safer Society webinars 4. How well did the webinar meet your expectations? * 0 – Not well 1 2 3 4 5 – Very well 5. Did you participate in the discussion and Q&A? * Yes No 6. How satisfied were you with the way the host and guest addressed the subject of your comment or question? * 0 – Not Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 – Very Satisfied 7. How did you learn about this webinar? * 8. Safer Society’s mission is to eliminate aggression and violence through prevention and restorative means. Is there a webinar or training topic related to this mission that would interest you? And, if so, do you have speaker recommendations? * Optional: Additional Comments Optional: Name Optional: Email Optional: Your Location Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ