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Program Development and Management (PDF Download)

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Program Development and Management
by Robert J. McGrath, Georgia F. Cumming and Melanie Williams
This is a PDF version of chapter 3 of the Safer Society Handbook of Sexual Abuser Assessment and Treatment. The authors cover the following topics:
- Developing an Effective Program
- Use an Evidence-Based Model of Change
- Match Program Dosage to Offender Risk Level
- Target Criminogenic Needs
- Match Treatment Services to Offender Learning Style
- Use Effective Methods with an Emphasis on Skill Building
- Sequence Interventions in a Logical Manner
- Developing an Effective Program
- Managing the Treatment Program
- Select, Train, and Support Staff
- Provide Continuity of Care and Community Supports
- Ensure Program Integrity
- Evaluate Program Effectiveness
- Ensure Support for the Program
- Managing the Treatment Program
- Summary and Conclusions
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