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Forward-Focused Model Book Set

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A set of the three books which form a solid foundation for implementing the Forward-Focused Model (FFM).
- The Forward-Focused Model introduces the theoretical concepts and empirical grounding of the model. Click here to view the book.
- The FFM Facilitator’s Manual is a comprehensive guidebook for all team members involved in implementing the program. Manual includes all the pages, drilled for a three-ring binder (not included), tabs for the various sections, and the cover inserts for the binder.
- The FFM Youth Workbook contains components of the treatment stage work that are designed to be completed independently by each youth and then reviewed with a facilitator. (The workbook in this set is intended to be for review and reference. Not to be copied for use with clients.)
Together, the three books provide a complete and comprehensive treatment program that also includes quality assurance monitoring tools and an outcomes evaluation.