Safer Society Press is now able to offer site licenses for selected workbooks. A site license is an alternative to purchasing multiple copies of a workbook. Programs holding a site license receive a compact disc with a PDF file of the title from which they can make copies of the workbook to use with their clients.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: For which workbooks can site licenses be purchased?
A: We are currently able to offer site licenses for Building a Better Life; Pathways, Fourth Edition; Roadmaps to Recovery, Second Edition; and Footprints, Second Edition.
Q: What is the procedure for obtaining a site license?
A: Contact Safer Society Press with the name of the workbook and the number of clients for whom you are purchasing the license. You will receive a site license agreement to sign and return with your payment. Upon receipt of the signed agreement and payment, Safer Society Press will send you a compact disc with the PDF file from which you can make copies.
Q: Can a program have a site license for more than one workbook?
A: Yes. A separate license agreement will need to be signed and payment made for each title.
Q: May clients be added to an existing license?
A: Yes. As new clients enter the program, they may be added to your existing license. You will receive an addendum to your license upon payment of the additional fees.
Q: Do all of the pages of a workbook need to be printed at the same time?
A: No. You may print as many or as few of the pages as you wish at any one time. The total number of copies of any page may not exceed the total number of copies specified in the license.
Q: Do all of the copies of a given page need to be printed at the same time?
A: No. You may make as many copies of any page as you wish at any one time, up to the limit specified in the license.
Q: Will a license cover new editions of the workbook?
A: No. A new site license will be required when a new edition is published.
Q: How are site licenses priced?
A: The price of the site license is dependent upon the number of clients covered by the license and the workbook for which the license is purchased.