Below you will find answers to questions that are frequently asked about Safer Society online trainings.
How and Where?
These courses are offered online through Zoom. Courses are didactic in nature with periodic interaction between presenter and participants. Participants are required to remain in attendance for the entire runtime (break time is given for trainings that run for more than two hours). Throughout the trainings, attendees are allowed to ask the trainer(s) questions about the material. The trainers may also sometimes ask attendees to participate, but this is not required.
What do I have to do?
All you have to do is be logged in to Zoom once the training begins and stay with us the entire time. In order to receive ASWB and/or NBCC credit, you must submit an evaluation with your name and email address within 24 hours. If you seek only APA credits, the evaluation is optional and you can remain anonymous.
When I’m done, how do I get my credit?
After the live training is complete, a link to an evaluation form will be sent to you by email. Once we’ve verified you attended, a certificate of completion will be processed. You will receive your certificate by email. This process usually takes no more than 2-3 weeks.
Registration Deadline?
24 hours before the scheduled start time of the program.
What if the live online training is cancelled?
In the unlikely event of a cancellation of any live online training, Safer Society Foundation will notify registrants by email and provide a full refund for the cost of the registration.
What kind of computer do I need?
Any device with internet capabilities, but we recommend either a desktop or a laptop, (Compatible with both Mac and Windows). A link to join the training will be sent to the email used during registration one day before the live event. If you would prefer to download the Zoom program prior to the event, it is available for download here:
Special Accommodations Statement
Safer Society and Continuing Excellence, LLC are dedicated to meeting the needs of all attendees. Attendees will be provided with copies of the presenters’ materials (PowerPoint slides, images, etc.) for their own reference. Please note that our courses are offered online through an interactive live-feed. Closed captions will be available for all trainings, unless otherwise noted. If you are interested in attending a training but have a special accommodations request, please contact us prior to registration by email ( or phone at (802) 247-3132.