Earn 4 CE credits
Available CEs: Psychology, Social Work
Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020
Time: 11:00 am – 3:30 pm, Eastern Time
Online Training Description
Citizens in all communities continue to express concern regarding the risk posed by persons who have sexually offended. Legislators and law enforcement agents have attempted to manage risk by instituting measures of official control, such as sex offender registries, GPS monitoring, and residency restrictions. However, the scientific literature suggests that while such measures are high in face validity (and garner community support), they may not actually accomplish their intended goal. Alternatively, some jurisdictions have used models of intensive supervision to promote community safety (e.g., containment, public protection panels). The empirical literature speaks to the relative effectiveness of these attempts at risk management, identifying both strengths and weaknesses. This workshop will summarize the history of community management of sexual violence risk, with a focus on current approaches. Successes, failures, and future directions will be discussed.
Attendees will learn …
1) That community-based risk posed by persons who have sexually offended is generally manageable.
2) To compare and contrast legislative measures employed to contain sexual violence risk.
3) That team approaches or collaborations are most effective in promoting community reintegration
4) To critically appraise the value-added of non-traditional partners in risk management.
5) That desistance from sexual offending is possible, even for persons at relative high-risk.
You must purchase the training and the
Continuing Education credits separately
Four Hours of Training
The training session starts at 11:00 am Eastern Time and runs until 3:30 pm. The charge is $80. To be eligible for the CE credits, you must attend the entire live training. The Continuing Education credits must be purchased separately. See information to the right.
We can refund your training fee up to 24 hours prior to the start of the training.
4 Continuing Education Credits
The CE credits for this training are provided by Amego Prepare, an APA Approved CE Sponsor Organization authorized to offer continuing education for psychologists.
This program has been approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Registration of Social Workers, 258 CMR 31.00 by the Collaborative of NASW-MA Chapter and the Boston College and Simmons College Schools of Social Work.
Robin J. Wilson, Ph.D., ABPP

Independent Practitioner, Consultant, and Trainer
Robin J. Wilson, Ph.D., ABPP is a Canadian researcher, educator, and board certified clinical psychologist who has worked in sexual violence prevention in hospital, correctional, and private practice settings for more than 35 years. Robin has published and presented internationally on the assessment, treatment, and risk management of social and sexual psychopathology. Robin maintains an international practice in clinical and consulting psychology based in Sarasota, Florida, and has been an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences for more than 10 years at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Robin’s current interests are focused on collaborative models of risk management and restoration as persons of risk are transitioned from institutional to community settings, in addition to ensuring responsive clinical and supervisory service delivery for individuals with special needs.
Comments 5
Is this training focused on adults, juveniles, or does it address both populations?
Hi Chuck! GREAT question. It will be more focused on adults generally. However, I’ll be hosting and I have a lot of experience in the juvenile realm, so your questions and discussion would be welcome. It would take the form of my adding my input and turning the question into a question with Robin Wilson. I hope that makes sense and helps. I hope you can make it; otherwise, we’ll be having other trainings that are more juvenile-specific in the future. 🙂
I’m very watch this but I can’t make that time. Will this be recorded so I could view it later?
I have the same question as Rhys above. I also cannot be available on the date of the training but would love to participate. Will this training be recorded for viewing at a later time?
We are recording the live training and will be making it available for viewing about three or four business days after the live event. If you sign up for the live training, you will receive an email invitation to view the recorded training, which will be available for a week. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to phone us at 802-247-3132 or send an email to info (at) safersociety.org.