RNR and the Power of Preparation and Motivation for Group-Based Treatment
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Given the adverse coercion and stigma of being mandated into sexual offense-specific treatment (SOST), there are extra challenges to engaging males in group-based SOST without encountering resistance, denial, silence, and drop-out. The group-based format presents additional barriers in the form of (anticipated) public humiliation and social condemnation.
The speakers present an array of practical methods for pre-treatment preparation that can lower initial defensiveness while improving motivation and openness to treatment, which can shorten the time it takes for individuals to respond to SOST. In addition to reviewing relevant research about pre-treatment preparation and motivational approaches, the speakers emphasize the crucial importance of “getting a good start” in treatment. They describe a new motivational and strengths-based client workbook that embodies techniques and exercises to prepare clients for their first group and the group-based treatment experience. Exercises include self-discovery of personal character strengths, masculinity/gender stereotypes, cooperation, receiving and giving help, and relationships for enhanced motivation and openness to treatment change in SOST.
Topics covered include:
1) RNR principles as related to the value of pre-treatment preparation and individual motivation for group-based treatment.
2) Integration of strengths-based client workbook approach to enhance engagement in group-based offender treatment.
3) Common barriers to engagement in treatment and methods for overcoming them.
4) Group techniques for facilitating interaction and group cohesion.
5) Toxic masculinity/gender role training as a barrier to treatment.
1) Apply methods for pre-treatment orientation and preparation for group-based treatment.
2) Describe research related to pre-treatment and motivational approaches in sex abuse specific treatment.
3) Use a client workbook into pre-treatment preparation that invites self-discovery of personal character strengths, (toxic) masculinity and gender stereotypes, cooperation, and receiving and giving help as well as enhancing motivation and openness to treatment change.
4) Apply techniques for facilitating interpersonal interaction in the group for enhanced cohesion and treatment effectiveness.
5) Plan and implement group-based techniques for reducing defensiveness and facilitating social engagement.
6) Describe the application of the risk, need, and responsivity principles to group treatment.
This training is for professionals working with people who have experienced complex trauma as well as people who have perpetrated abuse. Professionals who will benefit from this training include social workers, psychologists, clinical counselors, and interested paraprofessionals.
Content Level
Continuing Education Approval
American Psychological Association (APA)
Safer Society Foundation, Inc. is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Safer Society Foundation, Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Who's Presenting

Jerry L. Jennings PhD
Jerry L. Jennings, Ph.D. has published over 55 journal articles, chapters and books in clinical and forensic psychology, domestic violence, phenomenology, group therapy, and sex offense specific treatment. Dr. Jennings coauthored the first book devoted entirely to Group Therapy with Sexual Abusers (2016), and the first workbook for orienting and engaging clients in group-based treatment called, Getting the Most from Group (2021). Other publications include a comprehensive review of the empirical and clinical research specific to group therapy with sexual abusers in Sexual Abuse (2016) and two workbooks for youth titled Responsibility and Self-Management (2007) and The Mindfulness Toolkit (2014). Dr. Jennings has conducted numerous trainings related to forensic psychology and sexual abuse treatment. His analysis of an infamous sexual predator, based on his book Breaking the Silence of the Lambs, (2014), is featured in the documentary Monster Preacher (2021).

Steven Sawyer, MSSW, LICSW, ATSA-F
Steven Sawyer, MSSW, is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and is founder and President of Sawyer Solutions, LLC, a private clinical and consulting practice. He was a founding board member and Executive Director of a local non-profit treatment agency in Minnesota where he served for 17 years, a founding board member and past chapter president of the Minnesota Chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MNATSA), a past board member of ATSA, and is a past board member and chair of the Minnesota Board of Social Work. He currently provides clinical and consultation services to individuals, families and organizations. He serves as a consultant to catholic religious orders on matters of sexual abuse prevention, and management and personnel issues, and provides clinical supervision services for State employees. He has given lectures and trainings locally and nationally to public and professional groups about sexual offender treatment and sexual abuse prevention. He has published more than 18 articles and book chapters on a program for men who use prostitutes, sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, group therapy with adults who sexually offend, sex dysfunction in sex offenders, and treatment program outcome research. Over the past 33 years he has facilitated or observed more than 4000 hours of group therapy, has assessed and treated hundreds of men who have committed sexual crimes, and has supervised the treatment of several thousand men in sexual offender treatment.