How Therapeutic Humor Can Work for You

Improve your outlook and reduce harmful stress through humor. That’s the message of this seriously funny conversation about an applied therapeutic method you can practice every day to improve your wellbeing and the wellness of your clients and others around you.

Research has shown that humor and laughter directly after a stressful situation reduces stress hormones and creates lasting, positive feelings. Muscles relax, breathing changes, and the brain releases endorphins, natural painkillers and happiness boosters. Having a sense of humor and being quick to laugh can have psychological and physiological benefits.

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Criminal Justice

Participants in this online training with Dr. Spence, a world-renown expert in the treatment and assessment of justice-involved people with autism, receive detailed information about ASD along with documented case examples that illustrate the consequences facing ASD clients within the criminal justice system and practical strategies for identifying characteristics of ASD in non-diagnosed clients.  The training includes information about current literature regarding comorbid disorders and disparities in diagnoses among minority groups.

Survey of sex-offense specific treatment providers

Interested individuals will complete an anonymous survey about their experiences providing sex offense-specific treatment. Participants will be asked to disclose demographic information, information about their relationship with their clinical supervisor, and information related to vicarious trauma. The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

David Prescott Honored with Knopp Award

Safer Society is very pleased to announce that our colleague David Prescott was presented with the Fay Honey Knopp Award by the NYS Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and the NYS chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers at their annual Joint Conference on Wednesday, May 18, 2022.

What We Need To Know About Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Offending

Sexual wishes, interests, and fantasies are different in important ways. For example, men’s fantasies are often more closely tied to their wishes than women. Research suggests that the diversity of fantasies, more than their content, contributes to a healthy sex life. Interestingly, men who have sexually abused others often have a narrower range of fantasies, but these fantasies are not always different from men who are not known to have abused.

We’re standing with the children of Ukraine. Please join us.

The child refugees are at-risk of exploitation by human traffickers. The ones who remain in Ukraine struggle to survive in an environment of destruction that has destroyed the infrastructure necessary for proper sanitation and healthy water supplies. Safer Society Foundation has donated $500 to support UNICEF’s efforts to “scale up life-saving programs for children.”