How to Align Treatment Programs with Best Practices
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How well does my program align with best practices? Robert McGrath, President of McGrath Psychological Services, an international consulting practice for training, program evaluation, and research services, teams up with Safer Society for an in-depth training that provides you with the tools you need to conduct an assessment of your program’s alignment with best practices and develop a program improvement plan.

This online training guides professionals working with adults in a community or residential setting who have committed a sexual offense through the process of assessing a program and making the necessary adjustments to ensure that the program offers top-quality services and a safe therapeutic environment. McGrath begins the training by reviewing the evidence for effective treatments by asking what works, with whom, using what interventions, in what settings, and for what outcomes. He then discusses best practice resources and strategies, providing a roadmap for program design decisions.
McGrath focuses on key areas such as:
- Providing continuity of care and community support
- Sequencing and documenting services logically
- Providing quality training and support to staff
- Matching the intensity of services to the risk of reoffending
- Using effective methods with an emphasis on skill-building
Even more experienced professionals will benefit from reassessing their program and learning how to make informed decisions in situations where evidence is lacking. By the end of the training, attendees will be equipped to develop their own program improvement plan.
- Weigh the evidence for the effectiveness of treatment for sexual offending.
- Explain the major characteristics of effective programs.
- Describe key program evaluation models and resources.
- Identify areas in which their program should align with best practices.
- Write evaluations to ensure that the services provided have the desired effect.
- Develop a working plan to better align their program with best practices.
This training is for professionals working with people who have problematic behaviors. Professionals who will benefit from this training include social workers, psychologists, clinical counselors, and interested paraprofessionals.
Content Level
Continuing Education Approval
American Psychological Association (APA)
Safer Society Foundation, Inc. is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Safer Society Foundation, Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Who's Presenting

Robert J. McGrath, MA
Robert McGrath, M. A., is President of McGrath Psychological Services, a training and consulting practice, and was Clinical Director of the Vermont Department of Corrections integrated network of prison and community sex offender treatment programs for over 20 years. He has served on the treatment advisory boards of several treatment programs In the United States and the national sex offender treatment programs in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. He was co-chair of the committee that wrote ATSA’s 2014 Practice Guidelines for the Assessment, Treatment, and Management of Male Adult Sexual Abusers, and he received ATSA’s Significant Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015. Among his over 50 publications, he is a co-developer of the ROSAC, VASOR-2, and SOTIPS risk assessment instruments.