Dr. Norbert Ralph presents Being-A-Pro: A Prosocial Treatment Approach for At-Risk Youths

This webinar provides training in a new evidence-based treatment for juvenile on or at risk for probation. Prosocial reasoning is identified in existing research as a modifiable criminogenic risk factor of juvenile crime. The Being-A-Pro model is a research-based intervention to promote prosocial reasoning in teens. This training provides sufficient information to begin using the model and Dr. Ralph’s teen workbook published by Safer Society Press in 2016.

About the Presenter

Dr.Ralph is a clinical psychologist with the Juvenile Justice Center in San Francisco, and Coordinator of their Juvenile Sexual Responsibility Program. He is also a psychiatric epidemiologist and neuropsychologist, who has authored over 30 articles, book chapters, or books. He was formerly Associate Clinical Professor in Family Practice, University of California School of Medicine at Davis, and Lecturer and Research Bio statistician in the Program in Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Ralph is a Trainer for Aggression Replacement Training, through the California Institute for Mental Health. He is certified as a practitioner for Moral Reconation Therapy. He is certified as a trainer for the Juvenile Sexual Offense Recidivism Risk Assessment Tool – II.  He is the Treasurer of the East Bay Children’s Law Offices providing services to over 1,800 foster children. He is a member of the ATSA Prevention Committee.