Our Safe Haven: Encountering Cases of Sibling Sexual Abuse

Working with family and other caregivers after sexual abuse has occurred entails navigating significant challenges. Professionals in this field, despite being invaluable, often go without due recognition. Sexual abuse by siblings, commonly seen in our field, underscores the need for comprehensive guidance for facilitating resolution and supporting families in their journey toward reconciliation and recovery—a resource that is often in short supply.

To the dedicated professionals supporting individuals who perpetrate abuse and encounter cases of sibling sexual abuse, we see you. We recognize the challenges you navigate with limited resources.

Join us for an upcoming Our Safe Haven session, where Linda Valenta joins David Prescott from Australia to discuss the challenges inherent in this line of work. Engage in open discussions, offer support, and be supported!


Our Safe Haven: Navigating the Complexities of Inclusive Language in Professional Practice

Person-first and identity-first language play a crucial role in shaping perceptions and treatment of individuals. While mental health professionals strive to demonstrate respect and courtesy to their clients, implementing these language practices is far more nuanced and complex than it might initially appear. Despite these obstacles, adopting first-person language remains essential for creating a respectful and supportive environment for patients. Professionals can improve their use of inclusive language through continued education, self-reflection, and consistent practice.

These Our Safe Haven sessions, co-moderated by Molly Shepard and David Prescott, focus on the implementation and importance of inclusive language. The sessions provide a space for professionals to explore current communication trends in mental health and criminal justice fields.


Best Practices in Treatment Planning for Adolescents Who Have Sexually Abused

The code of ethics of every mental health profession emphasizes the importance of treatment planning in ensuring successful outcomes. However, for professionals who treat people who have harmed others, training on the process of treatment planning has been minimal, resulting in practitioners entering the profession with unanswered questions. This training brings together three experts to provide over-arching guidance and practical tips or establishing treatment plans that lead to successful outcomes for the adolescents and their families. The presenters discuss common challenges that can occur in treatment programs and offer insights on navigating complex scenarios.


Our Safe Haven: Navigating the Complexities of Inclusive Language in Professional Practice

Person-first and identity-first language play a crucial role in shaping perceptions and treatment of individuals. While mental health professionals strive to demonstrate respect and courtesy to their clients, implementing these language practices is far more nuanced and complex than it might initially appear. Despite these obstacles, adopting first-person language remains essential for creating a respectful and supportive environment for patients. Professionals can improve their use of inclusive language through continued education, self-reflection, and consistent practice.

These Our Safe Haven sessions, co-moderated by Molly Shepard and David Prescott, focus on the implementation and importance of inclusive language. The sessions provide a space for professionals to explore current communication trends in mental health and criminal justice fields.


Our Safe Haven: Encountering Cases of Sibling Sexual Abuse

Working with family and other caregivers after sexual abuse has occurred entails navigating significant challenges. Professionals in this field, despite being invaluable, often go without due recognition. Sexual abuse by siblings, commonly seen in our field, underscores the need for comprehensive guidance for facilitating resolution and supporting families in their journey toward reconciliation and recovery—a resource that is often in short supply.

To the dedicated professionals supporting individuals who perpetrate abuse and encounter cases of sibling sexual abuse, we see you. We recognize the challenges you navigate with limited resources.

Join us for an upcoming Our Safe Haven session, where Linda Valenta joins David Prescott from Australia to discuss the challenges inherent in this line of work. Engage in open discussions, offer support, and be supported!


Assessing, Treating, and Supervising Autistic Adults Who Have Offended Sexually

With the increasing occurrence of adult autism diagnoses, there is a growing need for evaluators, treatment providers, and parole and probation officers with the skills to work with this population. Presenter Tiffany Looney MS, LPC, CCSOT developed this training to address the gaps in our understanding of autism spectrum disorder and their implications for clinical and supervisory practices.

In this training, participants develop an understanding of the neurobiological differences of the autistic brain, the social model of disability, and what it means to be neurodiversity-affirming. Ms. Looney discusses reasons why autistic persons sexually offend, how their reasons may differ from those of their non-autistic peers, and how this impacts our understanding of risk, treatment needs, and effective supervision of these clients. She further describes key areas of autistic functioning, differentiating between autistic meltdown, shutdown, and burnout, as well as other effects of autism on mental and physical health, executive and adaptive functioning, and sensory processing.


Addressing Denial and Promoting Accountability in Sexual Offending Treatment

The roles of denial and accountability in the treatment of sexual offending have generated decades of controversy. A classic meta-analysis and several recent studies have consistently shown that denial is not a risk factor for recidivism. In spite of those findings, methods for treating people in categorical denial have been established and the importance of accountability as a critical aspect of rehabilitation has been emphasized by numerous authors (including Judith Herman). Indeed, research has indicated that clients in sexual offending treatment cite overcoming denial and developing empathy for those harmed as among the most impactful components of their treatment. Questions therefore arise regarding the core objectives that such treatment programs should prioritize.

This presentation examines the approach of the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), a statutory body established in 1992 to develop guidelines for the evaluation, treatment, and behavioral monitoring of those who sexually offend. The SOMB’s mandate encompasses two primary objectives:
- Promoting evidence-based rehabilitation of those who commit sexual offenses
- Ensuring the safety of people who have been victimized


Day 1: Static-99R Training: Best Practices for Accurate Risk Assessment

In this training, Certified Trainer Katie Gotch provides a thorough overview of the Static-99R, including its development, scoring system, and application in various settings. Participants learn how to score each of the ten items, with scores ranging from -3 to 12, and understand how these scores categorize individuals into five distinct risk levels: very low, below average, average, above average, and well above average risk.

The training also covers the predictive validity of the Static-99R and its appropriate use in forensic settings. Case studies are utilized to enhance understanding and facilitate skill development throughout the training.


Day 2: Static-99R Training: Best Practices for Accurate Risk Assessment

In this training, Certified Trainer Katie Gotch provides a thorough overview of the Static-99R, including its development, scoring system, and application in various settings. Participants learn how to score each of the ten items, with scores ranging from -3 to 12, and understand how these scores categorize individuals into five distinct risk levels: very low, below average, average, above average, and well above average risk.

The training also covers the predictive validity of the Static-99R and its appropriate use in forensic settings. Case studies are utilized to enhance understanding and facilitate skill development throughout the training.


Our Safe Haven: Navigating the Complexities of Inclusive Language in Professional Practice

Person-first and identity-first language play a crucial role in shaping perceptions and treatment of individuals. While mental health professionals strive to demonstrate respect and courtesy to their clients, implementing these language practices is far more nuanced and complex than it might initially appear. Despite these obstacles, adopting first-person language remains essential for creating a respectful and supportive environment for patients. Professionals can improve their use of inclusive language through continued education, self-reflection, and consistent practice.

These Our Safe Haven sessions, co-moderated by Molly Shepard and David Prescott, focus on the implementation and importance of inclusive language. The sessions provide a space for professionals to explore current communication trends in mental health and criminal justice fields.


Day 1: How to Effectively Use Dynamic Risk Assessment Tools: STABLE-2007 & ACUTE-2007 Training

During this eight-hour training, Katie Gotch, LPC, CCSOT, ATSA-F, provides an overview of the development and research of the STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 instruments. She explains how to score each of the measures’ items, as well as their appropriate interpretation and use within varying settings. This includes recent guidance on the use of these tools with individuals convicted of child sexual abuse material-related offenses (CSAM). To enhance learning, case studies are incorporated to provide hands-on practice and to address common scoring and administration errors.
