Introduction to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Understanding and Supporting Male Survivors

During this introductory training, presenter Nathan LaChine offers a comprehensive overview of CSEC, with a specialized focus on the unique experiences of male survivors. Participants join Nathan in exploring the full scope of this critical issue, beginning with essential terminology, definitions, and an understanding of the key dynamics that contribute to the exploitation of minors. The training sheds light on male victimization within CSEC, including risk factors and pathways of entry that uniquely affect boys and young men, such as dysfunctional familial dynamics, homelessness, and vulnerabilities unique to LGBTQIA+ youths.

Additionally, participants acquire the skills to identify early warning signs and risk indicators that could suggest a youth is being groomed, targeted, or actively exploited. LaChine incorporates real-life case studies and survivor testimonials to illustrate the complex experiences of male youths within the larger framework of CSEC.


Our Safe Haven: Supporting Youths Through the Complexities of Sexually Explicit Media

Practitioners and parents alike have seen the dramatic increase of sexually explicit media (SEM) across various digital platforms, extending beyond traditional adult websites to social media and mainstream online spaces. This presents new challenges for parents, educators, and health professionals in guiding adolescents and children through their media consumption.

As media outlets evolve to keep viewers engaged, so too must our approaches to media literacy and education for young people. However, professionals and caregivers face many challenges when teaching youths how to be sophisticated consumers of media.

Join us for an upcoming Our Safe Haven session, featuring a discussion moderated by Seth Wescott and David Prescott. These sessions provide a forum for professional dialogue on the challenges associated with SEM and its dangerous impacts on youths. These sessions offer attendees an opportunity for open discussion, support, and skill development. Your contributions will enrich the collective understanding and help shape best practices in this evolving field.


Culturally Informed Work: Fostering Engagement and Resilience in Treatment

The benefits of culturally informed treatment practices are profound, as they create a safe and trusting environment, help clients cope with racial disparities in the systems with which they are involved, enhance the effectiveness of treatment, lead to more accurate assessments and helpful interventions, and ultimately foster resilience in clients.

Dr. Tyffani Monford’s training is designed to focus on how professionals can best practice in a culturally informed manner. It covers several key areas such as cultural frameworks and intersectionality, the impact of culture, race, and privilege in working with individuals who have been abused and their families, critical issues within child welfare, law enforcement, and the juvenile justice system, and varied meanings of “family” and “community” among clients of color, and Cultural perspectives on mental health, the systems they interact with, incarceration, disclosure of harmful behaviors, and healthy sexuality.

By providing a safe environment for reflection and discussion, this training fosters the development of culturally responsive and effective mental health care practices.


Static-99R Training: Best Practices for Accurate Risk Assessment

In this training, Certified Trainer Katie Gotch provides a thorough overview of the Static-99R, including its development, scoring system, and application in various settings. Participants learn how to score each of the ten items, with scores ranging from -3 to 12, and understand how these scores categorize individuals into five distinct risk levels: very low, below average, average, above average, and well above average risk.

The training also covers the predictive validity of the Static-99R and its appropriate use in forensic settings. Case studies are utilized to enhance understanding and facilitate skill development throughout the training.


Static-99R Training: Best Practices for Accurate Risk Assessment

In this training, Certified Trainer Katie Gotch provides a thorough overview of the Static-99R, including its development, scoring system, and application in various settings. Participants learn how to score each of the ten items, with scores ranging from -3 to 12, and understand how these scores categorize individuals into five distinct risk levels: very low, below average, average, above average, and well above average risk.

The training also covers the predictive validity of the Static-99R and its appropriate use in forensic settings. Case studies are utilized to enhance understanding and facilitate skill development throughout the training.


Our Safe Haven: Encountering Cases of Sibling Sexual Abuse

Working with family and other caregivers after sexual abuse has occurred entails navigating significant challenges. Professionals in this field, despite being invaluable, often go without due recognition. Sexual abuse by siblings, commonly seen in our field, underscores the need for comprehensive guidance for facilitating resolution and supporting families in their journey toward reconciliation and recovery—a resource that is often in short supply.

To the dedicated professionals supporting individuals who perpetrate abuse and encounter cases of sibling sexual abuse, we see you. We recognize the challenges you navigate with limited resources.

Join us for an upcoming Our Safe Haven session, where Linda Valenta joins David Prescott from Australia to discuss the challenges inherent in this line of work. Engage in open discussions, offer support, and be supported!


Our Safe Haven: Strengthening Allyship and Enhancing Mental Health Support for the LGBTQ+ Community

As mental health professionals, we recognize the importance of creating inclusive and supportive environments for all individuals, especially those from marginalized groups that have traditionally experienced limited access to mental health resources. This Our Safe Haven series, co-moderated by Jimmy Widdifield, Jr., and David Prescott, aims to bring together allies and LGBTQ+ practitioners to improve our collective support for the LGBTQ+ community in mental health services.


Our Safe Haven: Supporting Youths Through the Complexities of Sexually Explicit Media

Practitioners and parents alike have seen the dramatic increase of sexually explicit media (SEM) across various digital platforms, extending beyond traditional adult websites to social media and mainstream online spaces. This presents new challenges for parents, educators, and health professionals in guiding adolescents and children through their media consumption.

As media outlets evolve to keep viewers engaged, so too must our approaches to media literacy and education for young people. However, professionals and caregivers face many challenges when teaching youths how to be sophisticated consumers of media.

Join us for an upcoming Our Safe Haven session, featuring a discussion moderated by Seth Wescott and David Prescott. These sessions provide a forum for professional dialogue on the challenges associated with SEM and its dangerous impacts on youths. These sessions offer attendees an opportunity for open discussion, support, and skill development. Your contributions will enrich the collective understanding and help shape best practices in this evolving field.


Effective Writing and Publishing in the Field of Violence Prevention

In the field of violence prevention, effective written communication is essential for driving meaningful change. Presenters David S. Prescott, LICSW, Kelly Socia, PhD, and Jill Levenson, PhD, LCSW, designed this training to provide professionals from diverse backgrounds with the skills necessary for articulating their ideas clearly and impactfully and the strategies necessary for publishing their work.

The training offers an exploration of professional writing techniques, addressing key challenges faced by aspiring authors and content creators. Participants discover innovative techniques for integrating writing into their demanding schedules, along with practical methods for creating high quality written work and identifying potential collaborators who can enhance the work. The presenters help participants develop their expertise in niche areas and position themselves as authorities on specific topics.


Aging and Sexual Offending: Risk Reduction and Recidivism Insights

The effect of aging on sexual recidivism has been studied for more than twenty years, and research results consistently show a dramatic reduction in risk with age. Dr. Jeffrey Sandler, alongside Naomi Freeman, has taken this question a step further by examining whether this trend holds true for men who commit sexual offenses over the age of 60. Their 2024 study, with another forthcoming, provides critical new insights into this question.

In this webinar, Dr. Sandler discusses their findings and explores broader implications for understanding re-offense risk, treatment needs, and public safety.


Our Safe Haven: An Open Dialog for Abuse Prevention Professionals

Our Safe Haven sessions are a unique opportunity for professionals to engage in informal discussions about their work in the mental health field. At Safer Society, we place a high value on community and collaboration, creating environments where professionals can share experiences, seek support, and practice self-care. These sessions are a chance to embrace compassionate and empathetic approaches that promote healing for both those who cause harm and those who have been harmed.

Unlike our more exclusive ‘Our Safe Haven’ sessions, these gatherings focus on organic discussions about the inherent challenges and victories in this demanding field.


Balancing Care and Constraints: Residential Practices with Limited Resources

The Cornerstone Program in rural upstate New York is navigating significant challenges, including limited resources and a 41% staffing vacancy rate as of January 2024. Despite these hurdles, it continues to expand services and maintain low recidivism rates among participants. This training, led by the Senior Director and Director of Clinical Services of the Cornerstone Program, explores how the program survives under such constraints.

The presenters, Sarah Louer and Ashley Wilfore, outline how the DPSs use the ARMIDILO-S assessment tool to guide decision-making and least-restrictive supervision while working within a staffing crisis. The presenters share how human rights remain at the forefront of the Cornerstone Program’s decisions and how administrators and Clinicians prevent the program from becoming overly restrictive with technology or staff.

Additionally, the presenters discuss innovative housing projects developed throughout the staffing crisis, designed to deliver specialized services for people dually diagnosed while minimizing staffing requirements.

It is imperative for treatment programs across the globe to share successful strategies that implement evidence-based approaches under resource constraints, especially in the context of this long-term staffing crisis.
