Structured Assessment of Protective Factors Against Sexual Offending (SAPROF-SO) Version 1 Training

The SAPROF-SO is a tool for assessing protective factors for individuals with a history of sexual offending, integrating with strengths-based therapeutic approaches. This tool comprises 14 items across three key subscales: Resilience, Adaptive Sexuality, and Prosocial Connection & Reward, with an optional fourth subscale, Professional Risk Management.

Renowned for its strong reliability and predictive validity for reduced sexual recidivism (e.g., Nolan et al., 2023; Willis et al., 2020), the SAPROF-SO is instrumental in guiding therapy planning and risk management strategies (Kelley et al., 2022). This workshop, presented by Gwenda Willis, David Thornton, and Sharon Kelley, offers a training opportunity for clinicians interested in learning how to score and interpret the SAPROF-SO. Participants will also have the option of becoming certified SAPROF-SO users by completing a post-training calibration scoring exercise. All attendees will receive the SAPROF-SO manual and associated materials, ensuring they are well-equipped to implement this tool effectively in their practice.


Best Practices in Treatment Planning for Adults Who Have Sexually Abused

The code of ethics of every mental health profession emphasizes the importance of treatment planning in ensuring successful treatment. However, for professionals who treat people who have harmed others, training on the process of treatment planning is minimal. Due to this lack, newer practitioners enter the profession with unanswered questions. For example, what is the best way to customize treatment when using empirically supported protocols? How does treatment planning occur in settings where each client gets similar treatment?

This training brings together three established experts to provide over-arching guidance and practical tips for establishing treatment plans. They discuss common pitfalls that can occur in treatment programs and offer insights on navigating complex scenarios.


An Introduction to Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The need for trauma treatment with adolescents has reached nearly unprecedented levels, necessitating an increased demand for effective therapeutic interventions. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment method designed to help children and adolescents recover from traumatic experiences. This introductory training offers mental health professionals a comprehensive overview of this gold-standard therapy model. Anette Birgersson—a certified TF-CBT trainer—brings a wealth of expertise to this training, which extends beyond TF-CBT to include: (1) Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), (2) Prolonged Exposure, (3) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and (4) Emotional Regulation Group Therapy. Birgersson is highly regarded for her work with adolescents in the USA and Europe and for her engaging training approach for professionals interested in helping traumatized youths.


Understanding Viewing Time in the Assessment and Treatment of Males Who Have Sexually Abused

Viewing time measures provide an unintrusive way to assess sexual interests among people who have sexually abused. It can be used in risk assessments and to assist in diagnosing Pedophilic and related conditions. Presenter Mervyn Davies, co-founder of the LOOK Assessment, developed this training to help evaluators and treatment providers use a viewing time instrument in their professional activities with clients who have sexually abused others.


Navigating the Challenges of Supervising Professionals Treating Sexual Aggression

Clinical supervision is a crucial component in the field of psychotherapy. It can involve educating newer clinicians on methods and models, helping them improve their practice in different directions, providing support and encouragement, and helping supervisees manage the inevitable reactions they have to clients’ historical behaviors.

Dr. Must and Mr. Prescott’s training provides supervisors with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles within the field, ultimately contributing to improved client care and clinician development.


Introduction to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Understanding and Supporting Male Survivors

During this introductory training, presenter Nathan LaChine offers a comprehensive overview of CSEC, with a specialized focus on the unique experiences of male survivors. Participants join Nathan in exploring the full scope of this critical issue, beginning with essential terminology, definitions, and an understanding of the key dynamics that contribute to the exploitation of minors. The training sheds light on male victimization within CSEC, including risk factors and pathways of entry that uniquely affect boys and young men, such as dysfunctional familial dynamics, homelessness, and vulnerabilities unique to LGBTQIA+ youths.

Additionally, participants acquire the skills to identify early warning signs and risk indicators that could suggest a youth is being groomed, targeted, or actively exploited. LaChine incorporates real-life case studies and survivor testimonials to illustrate the complex experiences of male youths within the larger framework of CSEC.


Culturally Informed Work: Fostering Engagement and Resilience in Treatment

The benefits of culturally informed treatment practices are profound, as they create a safe and trusting environment, help clients cope with racial disparities in the systems with which they are involved, enhance the effectiveness of treatment, lead to more accurate assessments and helpful interventions, and ultimately foster resilience in clients.

Dr. Tyffani Monford’s training is designed to focus on how professionals can best practice in a culturally informed manner. It covers several key areas such as cultural frameworks and intersectionality, the impact of culture, race, and privilege in working with individuals who have been abused and their families, critical issues within child welfare, law enforcement, and the juvenile justice system, and varied meanings of “family” and “community” among clients of color, and Cultural perspectives on mental health, the systems they interact with, incarceration, disclosure of harmful behaviors, and healthy sexuality.

By providing a safe environment for reflection and discussion, this training fosters the development of culturally responsive and effective mental health care practices.


Static-99R Training: Best Practices for Accurate Risk Assessment

In this training, Certified Trainer Katie Gotch provides a thorough overview of the Static-99R, including its development, scoring system, and application in various settings. Participants learn how to score each of the ten items, with scores ranging from -3 to 12, and understand how these scores categorize individuals into five distinct risk levels: very low, below average, average, above average, and well above average risk.

The training also covers the predictive validity of the Static-99R and its appropriate use in forensic settings. Case studies are utilized to enhance understanding and facilitate skill development throughout the training.


Static-99R Training: Best Practices for Accurate Risk Assessment

In this training, Certified Trainer Katie Gotch provides a thorough overview of the Static-99R, including its development, scoring system, and application in various settings. Participants learn how to score each of the ten items, with scores ranging from -3 to 12, and understand how these scores categorize individuals into five distinct risk levels: very low, below average, average, above average, and well above average risk.

The training also covers the predictive validity of the Static-99R and its appropriate use in forensic settings. Case studies are utilized to enhance understanding and facilitate skill development throughout the training.


Effective Writing and Publishing in the Field of Violence Prevention

In the field of violence prevention, effective written communication is essential for driving meaningful change. Presenters David S. Prescott, LICSW, Kelly Socia, PhD, and Jill Levenson, PhD, LCSW, designed this training to provide professionals from diverse backgrounds with the skills necessary for articulating their ideas clearly and impactfully and the strategies necessary for publishing their work.

The training offers an exploration of professional writing techniques, addressing key challenges faced by aspiring authors and content creators. Participants discover innovative techniques for integrating writing into their demanding schedules, along with practical methods for creating high quality written work and identifying potential collaborators who can enhance the work. The presenters help participants develop their expertise in niche areas and position themselves as authorities on specific topics.


Balancing Care and Constraints: Residential Practices with Limited Resources

The Cornerstone Program in rural upstate New York is navigating significant challenges, including limited resources and a 41% staffing vacancy rate as of January 2024. Despite these hurdles, it continues to expand services and maintain low recidivism rates among participants. This training, led by the Senior Director and Director of Clinical Services of the Cornerstone Program, explores how the program survives under such constraints.

The presenters, Sarah Louer and Ashley Wilfore, outline how the DPSs use the ARMIDILO-S assessment tool to guide decision-making and least-restrictive supervision while working within a staffing crisis. The presenters share how human rights remain at the forefront of the Cornerstone Program’s decisions and how administrators and Clinicians prevent the program from becoming overly restrictive with technology or staff.

Additionally, the presenters discuss innovative housing projects developed throughout the staffing crisis, designed to deliver specialized services for people dually diagnosed while minimizing staffing requirements.

It is imperative for treatment programs across the globe to share successful strategies that implement evidence-based approaches under resource constraints, especially in the context of this long-term staffing crisis.


Understanding and Intervening in Sibling Sexual Behaviors and Abuse

Sexual behaviors and abuse between siblings can have profound, life-altering consequences. During the training, the presenters describe research findings that can guide professional understanding of those who cause harm and are harmed by these behaviors. They review the long-term impacts of sibling sexual abuse, which can manifest in various forms of psychological distress and maladaptive behaviors well into adulthood.

A key focus of this training is how the family context plays a role in abuse. The presenters emphasize the importance of adopting a developmental perspective when assessing and treating affected children. To aid professionals in this task, they introduce an innovative mapping tool that ensures attention to all relevant domains of the family context, thereby helping to prevent further harm.
