This campaign has ended. Click here to find out how it went!
There is still time to double your donation for the children of Ukraine.
Children have been killed. Children have been wounded. And children are being profoundly traumatized by the violence all around them. We must protect all children in Ukraine. Now. They need peace. — UNICEF Executive Director Catherine M. Russell
Friday, April 15th was the scheduled end for our campaign to raise money for the children of Ukraine, but we had such a fantastic response we’ve decided to keep going until the end of April.
Our goal was to raise a total of $1,500 to donate to UNICEF for relief of the children at risk from the barbarous invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s army. We began by donating the first $500 at the beginning of the month, then pledging to match up to another $500 in donations made through us on this behalf.
Donate Now to Our UNICEF Fund for Ukrainian Children Campaign and DOUBLE the Impact of Your Gift!
At this point, we have an additional $1,385.79 for UNICEF ($885.79 from our friends and customer), making the total contribution at this point $1,885.79.
So we’ve decided to not stop here. If you haven’t contributed and you’d like to, we’ll match up to another $500 for donations we receive by the end of the month.
Remember 100% of the money you donate to us for this cause will go to UNICEF.
And a hearty thank you to all who have already donated.
You can also donate directly to UNICEF by visiting : https://www.unicefusa.org/war-ukraine