Originally conceived as a means of sharing knowledge, resources, and ideas during the trying times of the pandemic, the Safer Talk series of webinar interviews and presentations has not only continued but has grown in many directions. The basic idea, however, remains the same; that professionals can be at their best when sharing information. Safer talk has focused on areas as diverse as how to use humor in therapy to what we do and don’t know about people who describe themselves as “incels.” We’ve learned about trends in sexual behavior from Debby Herbenick, the limitations of diagnosis with Lucy Johnstone, and the core features of successful psychotherapy with Theresa Moyers.
As great as the information is, we’ve learned that the participants are among the best reasons to attend. The participants of our webinars and CE trainings unfailingly ask thoughtful questions and offer wise observations and commentary. The Safer Talk experience has shown what a wonderful community there is of people focused on ending sexual abuse and violence.