Strategies for Overcoming Gender Differences When Working with Male Clients
This webinar is for women entering the criminal justice system as mental health professionals, especially those specializing in domestic violence and sexual offending. It is also recommended for male mental health professionals interested in understanding the dynamics of working with female colleagues and male clients to be better allies, colleagues, co-therapists, or supervisors.
An increasing number of women are entering the ranks of mental health professionals in the criminal justice system (including specializing in domestic violence and/or sexual offending). The relational intricacies of female therapists’ treatment of men present special challenges. Graduate programs in psychology rarely address gender dynamics. Thus, early-career women often enter the workplace unprepared to address issues that arise when working with male clients.
In this webinar, Dr. Must and Dr. Pflugradt discuss clinical topics pertinent to women working in the criminal justice system. The speakers also address the different contexts of this work, such as community-based programs and institutional settings. This discussion is recommended for male mental health professionals interested in learning more about these dynamics to be better allies, colleagues, co-therapists, or supervisors.
Who's Presenting

Shoshanna Must, PhD
Shoshanna Must is a full-time practitioner and Clinical Director for New York City office of Empire State Forensics. She is also on the board of the New York State Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (NYSATSA), and an active member of the City Bar Working group which is dedicated to registration reform. She is also the author (with Gretchen Sofocleous, Ph.D.) of a chapter on challenges related to pregnancy in the book, Women Working in Criminal Justice: A Guidebook for Navigating Professional Challenges, by Laura Jakul and Bobbi Walling and published by Safer Society.

Dawn Pflugradt, PsyD, LP, LCSW
Dawn Pflugradt, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist with advanced degrees in psychology, social work and bioethics. She works in the area of sex offender assessment and treatment and is an associate professor at the Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology where she teaches courses in developmental psychology, personality disorders, and ethics. In addition to her years of clinical experience, Dr. Pflugradt has published numerous articles and book chapters in the areas of pediatrics and sex offender assessment and treatment. She has co-authored the workbook Becoming the Woman I Want to Be, and Gendered Treatment Assessment, both published by Safer Society Press. Dr. Pflugradt also is a certified trainer for the STATIC-99R and STABLE- 2007.