Evaluator, Therapist, Trainer, and Adjunct Professor, Safer Society Collaborator
Seth Wescott is a Licensed Master’s Level Psychologist and has been working with individuals with problematic sexual behaviors since 2002. He has worked in maximum security prisons for both adults and adolescents as well as various community-based settings. In private practice, Seth conducts pre-disposition and pre-adjudication psychosexual evaluations of adults and adolescents. He serves as chair of the ATSA Public Policy Committee, and is an ATSA Fellow. He is a certified trainer for Static-99R, Stable-2007, and Acute-2007 risk assessments. Seth is a Professor of the Practice at the University of Kansas and an Adjunct Professor of Counseling at Mid-America Nazarene University.
- How to Conduct Effective Risk Assessment Interviews
- Best Practices in Treatment Planning for Adolescents Who Have Sexually Abused
- Best Practices in Treatment Planning for Adults Who Have Sexually Abused
- Evaluating and Writing Reports on Adults Who Have Sexually Offended
- Pornography, Social Media, and Teens: What Could Go Wrong? And What Can Be Done to Make it Go Less Wrong?
- Addressing Adolescent Exposure to Pornography
- How to Effectively Supervise Professionals Treating Individuals Who Perpetrate Sexual Violence