Effective Intervention with Adolescents Who Have Offended Sexually

Translating Research Into Practice


by Sue Righthand, Brittany Baird, Ineke Way & Michael C. Seto


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“Effective Intervention with Adolescents Who Have Sexually Offended provides a straight-forward summary of the research and how it informs and  impacts our work with this group of youth.  The authors packed a significant amount of information into a this quick read book which allows you to flip to any page and find something helpful.”

Associate Professor, University of Tennessee

Effective interventions with adolescents with illegal sexual behaviors are developmentally appropriate, assessment-driven and well-implemented. They target dynamic risk and protective factors that are empirically associated with repeated sexual and nonsexual offending. To be most useful, assessments, case planning, and interventions are holistic and include a socio-ecological focus that considers not only the adolescent, but caregivers, peers, and other social influences. Using the risk-needs-responsivity principles (RNR), the authors of this important monograph summarize the latest research findings in each of these important areas.George L Effective Intervention endorsement

Clinicians will find the book useful as they conduct assessments, develop treatment plans, monitor progress and determine when treatment objectives and goals have been reached. Program managers and directors will find it useful as they evaluate the effectiveness of their programs and develop or modify their programs to most effectively meet the needs of their clients and families and, as a consequence, facilitate community safety. Social service caseworkers, juvenile probation officers, and other professionals who refer adolescents who have offended sexually for treatment also may find this book useful for helping them identify and select programs that address relevant and research-based targets and employ the most evidence-based intervention strategies.

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