Risk and Treatment Assessment for Women Who Have Sexually Offended
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The field of assessing women who have committed sexually motivated offenses continues to grow and evolve. The extant research literature provides an empirical basis for assessing women from a gendered perspective. This perspective is a person-centered strength-based approach that takes into consideration how gender affects patterns of offending for women (Pflugradt el al., 2018). As such, women who perpetrate sexually motivated offenses require risk and treatment assessment approaches that differ from approaches used with their male counterparts. This workshop provides empirically supported guidance related to assessing women who have committed sexually motivated offenses.
Training Topics Include:
Pathways to offending by women
Understanding a gendered approach (as opposed to a gender-sensitive or gender-neutral approach) to assessment and treatment
Available risk assessment measures and protocols
Reviewing the treatment needs of women who have sexually abused
1) Describe pathways to offending for women.
2) Identify recidivism base rates for sexual offending behavior perpetrated by women.
3) Explain why tools for men such as the static-99r and the stable-2007 should not be used when assessing risk in a female population.
4) Explain treatment assessment domains.
This training is for professionals working with people who have problematic behaviors. Professionals who will benefit from this training include social workers, psychologists, clinical counselors, and interested paraprofessionals.
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Who's Presenting

Dawn Pflugradt, PsyD, LP, LCSW
Dawn Pflugradt, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist with advanced degrees in psychology, social work and bioethics. She works in the area of sex offender assessment and treatment and is an associate professor at the Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology where she teaches courses in developmental psychology, personality disorders, and ethics. In addition to her years of clinical experience, Dr. Pflugradt has published numerous articles and book chapters in the areas of pediatrics and sex offender assessment and treatment. She has co-authored the workbook Becoming the Woman I Want to Be, and Gendered Treatment Assessment, both published by Safer Society Press. Dr. Pflugradt also is a certified trainer for the STATIC-99R and STABLE- 2007.

Bradley P. Allen, Ph.D. J.D
Brad Allen, Ph.D., J.D. is a licensed psychologist with advanced degrees in psychology, sociology, law and epidemiology. In addition to having extensive experience in the treatment and assessment of sex offenders, he has an eclectic research background publishing in the areas of developmental disabilities, gerontology and sex offenders.