Reintegrating People Who Have Sexually Abused Into the Community – Webinar Feature Image

Reintegrating People Who Have Sexually Abused Into the Community – Webinar

Recorded On:   April 30, 2020
Duration:  1 Hour

This webinar is for professionals and community members interested in understanding and implementing Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) in the context of community reintegration.

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The presence of people who pose a risk to the community has, understandably, been a concern to communities across time, place, and culture. What can communities (and the concerned professionals within them) do to best reduce the likelihood of harm? In which directions does the evidence point?

This webinar conversation reviews Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) as applied in Australia. It features how this approach to community reintegration can be useful, even in times of crisis, such as in the current pandemic. Next, the presenters discuss the importance of cultural mentoring in Australia, with implications for other areas around the world. Finally, the presenters discuss the attitudes and beliefs of those who have been sexually victimized toward community reintegration.

Who's Presenting


Kieran McCartan

Joint Coordinator of the Sexual Violence Research Network and Leader of the Social Science Research Group
University of West England

Prof. Kieran McCartan is a Professor of Criminology at the University of the West of England. He researches a range of areas including the prevention of a response to sexual abuse, as well as trauma-informed practice. He has completed funded research for the Economic and Social Research Council, Leverhulme, the Home Office, the Ministry of Justice, and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety and is currently funded as part of an EU Horizon 2020 grant examining child sexual abuse prevention. Kieran has advised (including the Council of Europe and the Australian National Office of Child Safety) and continues to advise (including the European Union, ECPAT International, and NSPCC) many national and international governments and organizations, as well as sitting on several boards (including the Confederation of European Probation and Circles Southwest). He is currently the Vice-Chair of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abuse (NOTA).



Kelly Richards

Associate Professor
School of Justice at Queensland University of Technology

Dr. Kelly Richards is an Associate Professor in the School of Justice at Queensland University of Technology. Her research centers on sexual violence, restorative justice, and Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA). In 2010, she received the ACT Government Office for Women Audrey Fagan Churchill Fellowship to explore restorative approaches for reintegrating child sex offenders in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Additionally, in 2020, Dr. Richards was honored with a Fulbright Senior Scholar Award to advance her studies on victim/survivors of sexual violence and CoSA in the USA.