Reducing Risk with Continuity of Care Between Systems
This webinar is for professionals involved in the evaluation and treatment of individuals convicted of sexual crimes. This may include mental health professionals, law enforcement personnel, administrators, and attorneys working within the legal and correctional systems.
The evaluation and treatment of people convicted of sexual crimes has changed dramatically over the last decade. We no longer reference the containment model and have adopted more comprehensive approaches. Many programs and practitioners have worked to implement the principles of effective correctional rehabilitation (such as risk, need, and responsivity) in the treatment and management of individuals who have committed sexual offenses. However, barriers frequently arise based on where the professionals providing these services are situated. Supervising officers are often employed by a government entity, whereas clinicians (including evaluators and treatment providers) often work for private agencies. As a result, ensuring continuity of care between systems is essential.
Most professionals consider continuity of care when planning the movement of a client from one provider to another, sharing of records, etc. However, it is more challenging to plan for continuous flow of information when the flow occurs between agencies, systems, and the professionals working at the front lines.
This presentation examines continuity of care in these contexts and how it can influence our efforts at risk reduction.
Who's Presenting

Erin Austin
Erin Austin has worked for the Sex Offender Management Board since October 2019 as the Adult Standards and Community Notification Coordinator. She recently transitioned into the role of Implementation Specialist and provides providing support, technical assistance, and training to approved SOMB treatment providers, evaluators, polygraph examiners, as well as stakeholders who work with individuals convicted or adjudicated of sexual offenses. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology from Northeastern University and is currently a graduate student at the University Of Colorado Denver’s School of Public Affairs seeking a degree in Public Administration. Erin has over 10 years of experience in the Criminal Justice Field supervising adults in the community through various levels within the community. Prior to her career with the SOMB, she worked as a Probation Officer within the 17th Judicial District supervising Adults sentenced to probation for Sex Offenses and a number of other populations. She also spent two years writing pre-sentenced investigation reports for the 19th Judicial District probation department.