Our blog covers a diverse range of topics aligned with our mission of harnessing the power of knowledge, compassion, and innovation to create a world free from sexual and social violence. The blog content is designed to be informative, thought-provoking, and aligned with our core values and objectives. By sharing knowledge, insights, and updates, we aim to engage our audience, foster discussion, and contribute to the ongoing efforts to address the critical issues within our scope of work.
Press Highlights

New Publication! Child Sexual Grooming
New Publication! Child Sexual Grooming, by Doyle Pruitt and Molly Wolfe, has been written to restore clarity and understanding about just what child sexual grooming is, how it is perpetrated, the impacts grooming has on the immediate victim of the abuse, as well as on his or her family and ...

Raising the Price of Our Books
On January 1, 2025, we will be raising the price of our books. Increasing prices is something we are always reluctant to do, and when we decide that it is necessary, you can be sure it is due to our own rising costs—paper, printing, warehousing. We are capping the increase ...

Now Available as a Set! Paths to Wellness Workbooks
Many clinicians still rely upon the long-established Paths to Wellness series of workbooks. We are now pleased to offer a set of the three at a discounted price! The set of workbooks is designed for individuals in treatment for sexual offending behaviors. This collection includes three essential volumes that guide ...

Becoming the Man I Want to Be, 2nd Edition
In the years since we published the first edition of Becoming the Man I Want to Be, we have learned a lot about how clients and clinicians alike use workbooks to make better lives happen. Based on these new insights, authors David Prescott and Dawn Pflugradt partnered with Safer Society ...

Safer Society Looks Forward to the NYS ATSA / NYS Alliance Joint Conference
We are excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at the upcoming NYS ATSA / NYS Alliance Joint Conference, taking place from May 20 to May 22 in Saratoga Springs, New York. This annual event is a premier gathering for professionals in the field of sexual abuse prevention and ...

New Shipping & Handling Rates – February 2024
Beginning on Monday, February 19th, Safer Society will increase its shipping and handling rates. Retail customers will receive free shipping on book orders of $100 or more (excludes training registration fees) ...

Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Building awareness of abuse prevention strategies and strengthening the coalitions that work to ensure the safety of children is the purpose of this national month of recognition ...