The newest resource available through Stop It Now!, called What’s OK?, provides a free, confidential way for teens and young adults to talk with counselors about sexual feelings, interests, thoughts and behaviors.
Psychotherapy and Sexuality – Where Do Addiction, Pornography, and Moral Incongruity Begin and End? A Conversation with David Ley
Everyone has their opinions, and this can be especially true when it comes to controversial topics such as pornography and addiction. Moving beyond our moral beliefs to what research shows can be challenging, particularly when the science in these areas is imperfect. As is often the case, scientific inquiry can often produce surprising results that challenge us to re-think our practice.
The Evolution of Treating Adolescents Who Have Sexually Abused: A Conversation with Timothy Kahn, M.S.W.
The field of treating youths who have sexually abused others has changed dramatically over the past four decades. Where programs once imported ideas developed in adult institutions, the field is now more highly specialized, evidence-informed, engaging, and hopeful.
In this webinar, Timothy Kahn, author of workbooks such as Pathways, Footprints, Healthy Families, and Roadmaps to Recovery, discusses the many changes that have taken place in assessment, treatment, and supervision practices over time. This webinar focuses on what we’ve learned, what we can do, and where we can go from here.
Campus Dilemma: Unique Challenges of Addressing Problematic Sexual Behavior in Students
Over the past decade, increased advocacy and outrage have focused the public’s attention on sexual misconduct on college and university campuses. It is heartening to hear the public discourse and the insistence that something must be done to hold individuals and institutions responsible and provide appropriate resources for people who have experienced sexual harm. However, most colleges do not have specific resources or offices to offer support or work with students who have been accused or found responsible for sexual misconduct or choose to reach out for help.
A Look Inside Adolescent Drug Courts: Motivation and Beyond
This webinar explores the evolution of juvenile drug treatment courts. Where the legal system has too failed many who enter it, practices that focus on client engagement and behavior change (such as Motivational Interviewing) have improved outcomes.
Safer Society Collaborator Apryl Alexander Receives Prestigious Award for Social Justice
We at Safer Society were thrilled to learn that Dr. Apryl Alexander has received the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Lorraine Williams Greene Award for Social …
Dr. Alan Sroufe on Attachment Theory in Action Podcast
Presented by The Knowledge Center at Chaddock, Attachment Theory in Action is a weekly podcast featuring national experts from the field of attachment. Hosted by …
The Compassion Prison Project: A Conversation with Fritzi Horstman
The Compassion Prison Project began as the brainchild of award-winning producer Fritzi Horstman, whose own childhood trauma helped shape its conception. Over the course of several months in 2019-2020, Fritzi and a dedicated team of facilitators and volunteers partnered with incarcerated men at the Kern Valley State Prison (KVSP), a maximum-security prison in Central California. Together, they created powerful tools to address and heal from childhood trauma. The project is often known for its documentaries, “Step Inside the Circle” and “Honor Yard.” This webinar conversation explores the evolution of this project and its core values of compassion, humanity, accountability, nonviolence, generosity, and equity.
Manhood, Masculinity, and Treatment for Sexual Offending
In treatment geared towards men who have committed sexual offenses, we often talk about cognitive distortions and how they led to their crimes. However, it may be helpful to consider whether their “distorted” thinking is not an aberration, but rather an integral part of how manhood and masculinity is defined in our societies. During this webinar, we explore the implicit and explicit instructions men receive from birth, how the ideals set forth are attainable by only a few, and how the rest of us manage this “failure.” We also discuss the impact of masculinity in treatment, how we can work to redefine it for better mental health, and how we can prevent further sexual abuse along the way.
ATSA Conference registration now open
We received a notice today that registration is open for the 40th Annual Research & Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual …