New RNR Video

Guiding Sexual Offender Management and Treatment Using Risk-Need-Responsivity Principles


featuring Sandy Jung & Liam Ennis


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Practical information on how to use the risk principle to assign the appropriate level of service for a client and apply appropriate interventions based on the client’s criminogenic needs and responsivity issues. Recorded at the 2015 ATSA Conference. (2016)

CEUs No Longer Offered For Conference Workshop Videos

We are sorry that we can no longer offer CEUs for viewing our conference workshop videos. The product comes with packaging saying that CEUs are available, but this is no longer accurate. Most people who purchase the videos do not apply for CEUs, which means that for our partner in this project, ATSA, it is not viable to continue to be the conduit for granting the CEUs. Call us at 802-247-3132 if you have a question about this.


Here are some clips from the DVD:

RNR Short from Safer Society on Vimeo.

Other titles in our new Conference Workshop Video Series: