Dr. James Worling has worked with children, youths, and families since 1988, with a focus on addressing the causes and consequences of interpersonal violence. In particular, much of his work has been to assist children, adolescents, and young adults who have engaged in sexually harming behaviors and with children, adolescents, and young adults who are survivors of sexual abuse. His goal is always to work with individual’s strengths to facilitate future interpersonal and intrapersonal health.
The ERASOR (Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recidivism) is an empirically guided checklist for assessing the risk of adolescent sexual offense recidivism. The PROFESOR (Protective + Risk Observations For Eliminating Sexual Offense Recidivism) is a structured checklist to assist professionals in identifying and summarizing protective and risk factors for adolescents and emerging adults who have sexually abused others. Dr. Worling’s publications and assessment tools have significantly contributed to the field of assessing and treating youth who have sexually abused.