Jim Reynolds is a forensic psychologist who has specialized in the assessment and treatment of people who commit sexual offenses since 1992. He worked first through a Family Court program for adolescents who had been adjudicated for committing a sexual offense, and then entered the adult area when he began working in a state psychiatric hospital. Jim subsequently entered the area of adult corrections when he worked at the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Avenel, New Jersey.
Jim continued to work with juveniles who committed sexual offenses, and was the director of an outpatient treatment program through UMDNJ. He migrated from the field of corrections and became the director of a treatment program for court-involved youth who were placed in a therapeutic foster care setting. Jim has provided psychosexual evaluations and actuarial risk assessments for court-involved clients who are represented by the Office of the Public Defender as well as for attorneys who are in private practice.
Assessments are performed at various stages of the legal process, including pre-indictment and pre-sentencing, as well as for clients who are in the Tier process of Megan’s Law. Jim also provides Live With Child evaluations and Sex Offender Risk Assessments for Megan’s Law registrants who are under Parole Supervision for Life. Jim provides various types of forensic evaluations, court testimony, and training/staff development for other professional organizations as well.