Implementing the Principles of Risk, Need, and Responsivity
This webinar is for professionals involved in the assessment and treatment of individuals who have committed sexual offenses. This content is relevant to professionals working in correctional rehabilitation, treatment providers, and individuals interested in evidence-based practices for sex offending treatment.
Anyone who has tried to improve an existing treatment program knows how difficult it can be. This webinar interview shows how one prominent agency implemented the principles of risk, need, and responsivity. It provides ideas for how agencies can best implement these principles and other new methods and models. In this webinar, Nikole Hassen, Clinical Psychologist and Director at the Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar, discusses the challenges faced when modernizing their treatment program, and the benefits of having done so.
Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar developed a well-known sex offending treatment program in the early 1990s (known as NavCon Brig). However, decades passed, and the team realized that they were no longer using best practices. They learned about the principles of risk, need, and responsivity and worked to generate agency support for implementing them. They sought out external experts to conduct program evaluation and development and created plans to implement programming using these principles, including ensuring the smooth transition of active treatment participants. The result is an individualized program that more efficiently uses resources, incorporates best practices, and aligns with clients’ goals.
Who's Presenting

Nikole Nassen, PhD
Nikole Nassen, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and the director of the Sex Offender Treatment Program at Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar. She has been involved in program development and implementation for Naval Corrections’ Violent Offender and Sex Offender Treatment Programs. Dr. Nassen received her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Alliant International University in 2008. She has assessed and treated individuals who have committed violent and sexual offenses, as well as individuals with mental illness in the community and in correctional settings. She has also completed clinical and forensic evaluations of adults and adolescents for the Delinquency and Dependency Courts in San Diego.