How Sex Positivity Improves Sexual Offense-Specific Treatment
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Sex positivity encompasses open and nonjudgmental attitudes toward diverse sexualities. While the field of sexual offense-specific treatment has been, by necessity, focused on addressing harmful sexual behaviors, there is room for growth in the ways that we think and talk about non-offending sexual expression.
Adopting a sex-positive outlook enables supportive and nonjudgmental discussions with clients. Dr. Bud Ballinger—clinical and forensic psychologist with extensive experience in the assessment, treatment, and risk management of individuals who engage in sexually abusive behavior—designed this training to:
- Explore the Origins of Sex-Negativity: Understand the historical context and development of sex-negative attitudes.
- Enhance Treatment through Sex-Positive Perspectives: Explain how and why developing a sex-positive perspective can improve treatment.
- Challenge Personal Beliefs and Biases: Engage in self-reflection to identify and challenge personal beliefs and biases about sex that may hinder treatment.
- Develop and Implement Ethical Decision-Making Skills: Gain practical strategies for helping clients develop skills for informed and ethical decision-making regarding sex, sexual media, and pornography use.
- Promote Healthy Sexual Behavior: Establish the goal of treatment as fostering sexual behaviors that are healthy for each client.
1) Explain the important role of a non-judgmental attitude towards client sexuality and demonstrate its positive impact on treatment outcomes.
2) Describe a range of sexual interests, preferences, and expressions that clients may experience or report.
3) Examine supportive interventions for clients with diverse sexual identities and orientations.
4) Apply client-centered strategies to guide clients in making informed decisions about sexual outlets and behaviors that are healthy for them.
5) Demonstrate improved communication skills for discussing sensitive sexual topics with clients in a professional, respectful, and sex-positive manner.
This training is designed for mental health professional, healthcare providers, and other practitioners who work with clients around sexual health and behavior issues. It especially appeals to those who treat individuals who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors or problematic behaviors.
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Who's Presenting

Bud Ballinger, PhD
Bud Ballinger is a clinical/forensic psychologist and the Director of Treatment Services for NYS Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (New York’s civil confinement program). He has a passion for enhancing therapeutic work with people who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior. Since earning a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Texas Tech University in 2000 he has worked in inpatient, outpatient, correctional, and civil confinement programs providing treatment, supervision, consultation, evaluation, and courtroom testimony. He developed New York’s treatment program for incarcerated people who are likely candidates for civil confinement. He is the president of NYS ATSA and an ATSA Fellow.