Our 2025 Goal: $20,000 to Transform 80 Careers
We aim to raise $20,000 in 2025, providing professional development opportunities for 80 individuals who would otherwise be unable to afford them. We've already secured $4,500 from our esteemed authors and presenters, and allocated $1,000 from our operating budget.
Now, we're turning to you—our generous community of supporters—to help us reach our target and unlock the full potential of these professionals. Every contribution directly funds professional development, equipping mental health professionals with the tools to create lasting change. Your support helps build safer communities and works towards a society free of sexual and social violence.
- First Round: $10,000 to be raised by May 30, 2025, and distributed June 15, 2025
- Second Round: $10,000 to be raised by September 30, 2025, and distributed October 15, 2025
Guided by the visionary legacy of our founder, Fay Honey Knopp, Safer Society remains steadfast in its mission to end sexual and social violence. The launch of our Continuing Education Center gave us a potent, new method for pushing this mission forward: bringing training into the offices of mental health professionals across the country and even around the world through convenient online access. To date, we have reached over 9,000 professionals and continue to grow. But not everyone in the field has the financial ability to attend or view more than one or two of these crucial trainings per year. This limitation is especially problematic for those just entering the profession.
That’s why we have established the Fay Honey Knopp Learning Initiative. This initiative will provide free access to Continuing Education Center trainings for qualified mental health professionals in the field of sexual and social violence prevention. Our goal is to share the latest knowledge and expertise with as many people in our field as is possible.
Award Details
Both rounds will include the following awards:
- 1 award: 30 Hours (Value: $1,050)
- 5 awards: 16 Hours (Value: $560 each)
- 10 awards: 8 Hours (Value: $280 each)
- 24 awards: 4 Hours (Value: $140 each)
Awards can be used for Safer Society CE events or non-CE events, live or on-demand.
Application Process
The first round of applications will open on April 1, 2025. The application deadline will be April 30, 2025. Only the first 100 applications will be accepted. The awards for the first round will be announced on June 1, 2025.