Our blog covers a diverse range of topics aligned with our mission of harnessing the power of knowledge, compassion, and innovation to create a world free from sexual and social violence. The blog content is designed to be informative, thought-provoking, and aligned with our core values and objectives. By sharing knowledge, insights, and updates, we aim to engage our audience, foster discussion, and contribute to the ongoing efforts to address the critical issues within our scope of work.
All Highlights

Substance Use and Mental Health in Justice-Involved Male Youths
by Claudia S. Mesa, M.A., & Dawn M. Pflugradt, PsyD, LP, LCSW Adolescence is a unique developmental period characterized by significant maturation of all bodily systems. As such, clinicians and researchers have been interested in understanding the impact that substances have on the developing individual. Alcohol and marijuana use during ...

Validation Before Intervention: Christin Santiago’s Keys to Unlocking a Youth’s Potential
For over 25 years, recreational therapist Christin Santiago has dedicated her career to working with young people who have been labeled by society such things as "dangerous," "aggressive," or "problematic." In her TED Talk "Empowerment Through Understanding," she discusses her work with teens and kids who present with challenging behaviors ...

Social Justice in Practice: Resources and Strategies for Mental Health Professionals
Every year on February 20th, the world observes the World Day of Social Justice, a day organized by the United Nations and coordinated by the International Labor Organization (ILO). This day serves as a call to action, urging us to recognize and address the importance of social justice in fostering ...

Connecting the Dots: Links Between Sexual Offending Patterns and Human Trafficking
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and the observance highlights the critical need to address the complex problem of human trafficking. This year’s theme, “Connecting the Dots,” emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to prevention, recognizing how trafficking intersects with other forms of violence and social issues, ...

Panelist Insights on Sex Positivity and Inclusivity: Complexities of Human Sexuality in Clinical Practice
Our final webinar of 2024, titled "Sex Positivity and Inclusivity: Transforming Treatment for People Who Have Sexually Abused," attracted over 700 registrants, demonstrating a significant interest in enhancing professional understanding and strategies for addressing the complexities of human sexuality within therapeutic contexts. The event fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas, ...

New Publication! Child Sexual Grooming
New Publication! Child Sexual Grooming, by Doyle Pruitt and Molly Wolfe, has been written to restore clarity and understanding about just what child sexual grooming is, how it is perpetrated, the impacts grooming has on the immediate victim of the abuse, as well as on his or her family and ...

Finding Compassion in Challenging Clinical Work: Supporting Change in the New Year
As we approach the New Year, a time traditionally associated with reflection, renewal, and hope, mental health professionals are reminded of the profound impact they can have on their clients' journeys toward change. This season invites us to consider not only our personal resolutions but also the transformative potential we ...

Raising the Price of Our Books
On January 1, 2025, we will be raising the price of our books. Increasing prices is something we are always reluctant to do, and when we decide that it is necessary, you can be sure it is due to our own rising costs—paper, printing, warehousing. We are capping the increase ...