Evaluating Deaf People Who Have Sexually Abused
This webinar is primarily for mental health professionals, law enforcement personnel, administrators, attorneys, and other professionals involved in the legal system who work with individuals with problematic sexual behaviors.
Deaf people who have sexually abused present a unique challenge to mental health professionals, law enforcement, administrators, and attorneys at various stages of the legal system. Professionals rarely possess expertise in the cultural and linguistic competencies necessary for evaluating or providing interventions to deaf sexual offenders.
This webinar explores the challenges of this work. It highlights common mistakes and misunderstandings in evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and management. It discusses ethical principles for culturally competent decision-making with deaf clients. Finally, it provides resources and guidance to help professionals effectively navigate the diverse complexities of this linguistically and culturally unique population.
Who's Presenting

David M. Feldman, PhD
David M. Feldman, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of the Clinical Forensic Psychology Concentration at Nova Southeastern University and licensed psychologist. He is a graduate of clinical psychology program at Gallaudet University (2004). He has worked with Deaf and hearing sexual offenders in correctional, psychiatric, and civil commitment centers. Dr. Feldman has published on a variety of mental health issues and served as the Senior Editor of the Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabiliatation Association (JADARA). He has presented at professional and community venues on the legal system, mental health, and public safety. He has been called on as a consultant for courts, law enforcement agencies, psychiatric hospitals, and correctional facilities. Dr. Feldman is the director of the Sexual Abuse and Forensic Research (SAFR) lab at Nova University and provides mentorship to students interested in sexual abuse research and clinical interventions. Dr. Feldman serves in the United States Army (Reserve) as a Clinical Psychologist (73B) has been a member of ATSA since 2008.

Amber Lindeman, PsyD
Dr. Amber Lindeman received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology in 2006 and became a licensed psychologist in 2007. Throughout her career, she has worked in community mental health, outpatient sex offense specific services, civil commitment, corrections, and most recently in private practice at Vantage Point Psychological Consultants in Burnsville, Minnesota. She specializes in clinical and forensic psychological services to a broad array of clients. She completes a wide variety of evaluations for State and Federal Courts, including comprehensive psychological evaluations, psychosexual evaluations, violence and sexual violence risk assessments, and commitment evaluations. Dr. Lindeman has served on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Chapter of the Association of the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MnATSA) since 2011. She served as President from 2018-2023. She met Dr. Feldman through the ATSA listserv in 2021. Since then, they have collaborated on various projects and presentations. She actively mentors several students at Nova Southeastern University where she is also a regular guest speaker.