Dr. Deirdre D’Orazio is a clinical and forensic psychologist in state service and private practice. She is employed by the California Department of State Hospitals, where she has held a variety of positions over the past twenty-two years servicing forensically committed individuals, including as director of the sexual offense treatment program and evaluation services, civil commitment evaluator, and currently as Assistant Chief Psychologist with the Community Forensic Partnerships division. She is president of the California Association for Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse and sits on the leadership boards for the California Sex Offender Management Board, the Sexual Offender Civil Commitment Network, and the California Juvenile Justice Advisory Board. Dr. D’Orazio is a recipient of the Fay Honey Knopp Award by the California Coalition on Sexual Offending for positive and sustained contributions to the field of sexual offense intervention. Dr. D’Orazio has publications, professional trainings, media interviews, and research in the areas of sexual offense risk assessment, paraphilic disorders, best practices in sexual offense-specific treatment, sexual abuse disclosures, abuse prevention, and professional ethics and supervision. Dr. D’Orazio has provided program evaluation and development consultancy internationally and evaluations, expert witness testimony, and direct treatment services for more than 2,000 individuals who have perpetrated or been harmed by violent or sexual crimes. She holds psychologist licenses in California, Minnesota, and North Dakota and is a certified trainer for multiple risk assessment tools.