
David Thornton PhD

Private Practice


Dr. Thornton is a psychologist in private practice based in Wisconsin. He is licensed to practice as a psychologist in Wisconsin and Minnesota in the U.S., as well as in the U.K. He was a research director for Wisconsin’s program for sexually violent persons for three years and previously was the treatment director for that program for over a decade. He has published on evidence-based standards for effective correctional programs and on the importance of therapist style in the provision of treatment designed to reduce sexual recidivism risk. He has contributed to the development of static actuarial risk assessment instruments such as the Static-99/R, Static-2002/R, and Risk Matrix 2000 and to more psychological forms of assessment such as the assessment of long-term vulnerabilities and dynamic protective factors relevant to sexual offending. David Thornton has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles.

