Safer Society is very pleased to announce that our colleague David Prescott was presented with the Fay Honey Knopp Award by the NYS Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and the NYS chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers at their annual Joint Conference on Wednesday, May 18, 2022.
Presented on the last day of the three-day, in-person conference in Saratoga Springs, New York, the award commemorates the memory of Fay Honey Knopp’s advocacy, support and vision of compassion and caring in the treatment of individuals who have engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior; and her caring, support and mentoring of individuals taking on the challenge of caring for this clinical population.
Among her many achievements in a long lifetime of good work, Honey was also the founder of Safer Society Foundation.
“Being honored by my colleagues at the NYS Alliance and ATSA is enough to make this one of the great gifts of my life,” David said. “But having the award centered on Honey’s work makes it truly unforgettable. I couldn’t be more grateful.”
Congratulations to the other award recipients:
•LaSalle School for the Marilyn Etcheverry Award of Excellence
•Stephanie Till, Lorann Kearney and Ashley Savage for the Richard Hamill Student Travel Award
•Catherine Diana and Brent Ewell for the President’s Award
We also want to give kudos to the leadership of the NYS ATSA and NYS Alliance for another wonderful conference.
Finally, well done, David.