Webinars: Compassion and Empathy Focusing on building trust and understanding in the lives of individuals who have experienced or perpetrated harm Sex Positivity and Inclusivity: Transforming Treatment for People Who Have Sexually Abused Restorative Justice, Institutional Failures, and Survivor Criminology Dayna Altman’s Recipes for Healing The Power of Connection: Building Support for Suicide Prevention Why Do Some Clients Believe They’re Addicted to Porn? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Getting Our Language and Messaging Right Resiliency and Working with Clients from Targeted Communities Let’s Take the Stigma Out of Employing People with a History of Behavioral Issues Building Hope and Motivation with Suicidal Clients in Criminal Justice Compassion Focused Therapy in Forensic Practice: An Overview The Need For Victim-Centered Practices and Policies Regarding Sexual Offending Springtime Self-Care! Strategies and Discussion with Colleagues Supporting Survivors Through Restorative Justice Addressing Animal Abuse and Its Relationship to Interpersonal Violence 1 2 3 ›