Quiz: Using the Good Lives Model with Adolescents and Young Men Who Have Harmed Others (OT215-A) Quiz: Using the Good Lives Model with Adolescents and Young Men Who Have Harmed Others Training Title: Using the Good Lives Model with Adolescents and Young Men Who Have Harmed Others This exam contains 25 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 20 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like. First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. Which of the following is an untrue statement? * Treatment can work Treatment can be better with the right community supervision. Punishment reduces risk. Both a and b Who defined the therapeutic alliance in 1979 as agreement on relationship, goals, and tasks?2. * Bordin Orlinsky Aebi Smith 3. What did Norcross add to the definition of the therapeutic alliance in 2002? * Acknowledgement of the offense Client preferences Client cultural background Therapist biases 4. Which of the following is a core aim and assumption of RNR? * The primary aim of correctional intervention is to reduce harm inflicted on community. Clients should be treated humanely, with research and treatment delivered in an ethically responsible manner. Client rights are trumped only by community needs. All of the above 5. Which of the following is NOT a dynamic risk factor? * Antisocial (and/or lack of prosocial) social influences General self-regulation difficulties Proper sexual regulation Emotional identification with children 6. The difference between the RNR and the GLM is that the RNR is a set of rehabilitation principles whereas the GLM is a * tool for assessment. rehabilitation model. treatment approach. principle of rehabilitation effectiveness. 7. True or false? Developing an understanding of specific responsivity requires conducting a comprehensive assessment. * True False 8. According to Ward, Mann, & Gannon, 2007, our clients want * better lives. lower sentences. the promise of less harmful lives. greater self-efficacy. 9. A client statement such as,” I’m not the same person as I was then,” suggests avenues for inquiry regarding * autonomy. multiple goals. identity. relationships. 10. The Good Lives Model approach has ___ goals? * 1 2 5 7 11. A basic tenet of the GLM approach is that all human beings are goal directed and predisposed to seek * primary human goods. personal satisfaction. relationships. rewards. 12. What, according to the GLM, are actions, experiences, circumstances, states of being, etc., that individuals seek to attain for their own sake? * Secondary goods Dynamic risk factors Instrumental goods Primary human goods 13. Secondary goods are also called ________ goods. * instrumental concrete dynamic external 14. The Good Lives Model proposes at least ___ primary human goods. * 2 5 10 12 15. Which of Ward’s primary human goods did Print and then Prescott incorporate into their GLM goal of having a purpose in life? * Inner peace Life Knowledge Spirituality 16. Which of Ward’s primary human goods did Print and then Prescott incorporate into their GLM goal of meting my emotional needs? * Inner peace Excellence in agency Knowledge Creativity 17. True or False? Spirituality is having meaning in life. (slide 57) * True False 18. Which of the following are instrumental goods? * Activities that result in sense of satisfaction, contentment, fulfillment Activities that result in sense of pleasure Activities intended to achieve sense of purpose, direction in life All of the above 19. Factors associated with desistance/low probability of offending are known as which of the following? * Dynamic risk factors Instrumental Factors Protective factors None of the above 20. What should be adjusted as new information/understanding comes to light? * Treatment approach Case formulation Assessment of client’s problems All of the above 21. True or false? According to the Self-Regulation Model, avoidance goals require fewer cognitive resources to attain than approach goals. * True False 22. Who said that treatment is something we do for and with clients, not to and on them? * Miller & Rollnick Marshall & Marshall Andrews & Bonta Ward & Hudson 23. According to Bessel van der Kolk, the goal of trauma treatment is to help people live up to the demands of their past. * True False 24. What, according to SAMHSA, does a trauma-informed care program seek to resist? * Assuming knowledge of the source of a client’s trauma Retraumatizing a client Treatment group think Manualized treatment approaches 25. Which of the following is NOT one of the four ways a traumatized client may respond to relational challenges? * Fight Flight Forget Freeze Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ