Quiz: Treating Intellectually Disabled Adolescents with Sexual Behavior Problems

(OT196-A) Quiz: Treating Intellectually Disabled Adolescents with Sexual Behavior Problems
1. Problems with which of the following is considered a deficit in intellectual functions?
2. Problems with which of the following is considered a deficit in adaptive functioning?
3. Of Hackett’s sample of 700 children exhibiting harmful sexual behaviors, ___ percent had intellectual disabilities.
4. True or false? Individuals with ID are at greater risk for experiencing sexual abuse than non-disabled youths.
5. Incidence of sexual victimization for women with ID may be as high as ____ percent.
6. Incidence of sexual victimization for men with ID may be as high as ____ percent.
7. Which of the following neurodevelopmental problems result in part from maltreatment?
8. In normal brain lateralization, which of the following brain activities resides in the right temporal lobe?
9. In normal brain lateralization, which of the following brain activities resides in the left temporal lobe?
10. Which of the following brain activities reside in the neo-cortex?
11. Roughly ___ percent of parents with ID children identify them as a significant challenge or “burden.”
12. Which of the following constitutes an obstacle to conducting a comprehensive assessment of an individual with ID?
13. Ways to overcome obstacles in assessing individuals with ID include
14. A consideration in conducting an assessment of an ID individual is whether the ID person’s deficits are
15. Which of the following is a treatment goal for ASD individuals?
16. Another treatment goal is challenging cognitive assumptions about
17. Which of the following is an important consideration regarding treatment?
18. A basic concept for providing interventions is to test for
19. True or false? Use rhyme and raps as a means for enhancing comprehension.
20. Use stories and metaphors to promote
21. What techniques can be used to activate the right hemisphere?
22. Who is the author of Emotion Regulation Skills System for the Cognitively Challenged Client: a DBT-Informed Approach?
23. What treatment modality should follow individual treatment before moving into the group modality?
24. In teaching skills to youths with ASD, it is important to recognize the
25. True or false? Adding the voice of older ASD clients can be highly effective in conveying practical information and increasing motivation.