Quiz: The Intervention Intersection: Human Trafficking and Sexual Offending

(OT121-A) Quiz – The Intervention Intersection: Human Trafficking and Sexual Offending
1. True or False? Human Trafficking is the same thing as smuggling.
2. An example of a survivor’s voice is:
3. The United Nations defines Human Trafficking, in part, as
4. The most common forms of international human trafficking include:
5. At the international level, human trafficking involves
6. Human trafficking:
7. As of 2014, human trafficking was a lucrative industry, yielding an estimated
8. In human trafficking, victims are seen as a “re-investment” because:
9. Which of the following is not a subtype of human trafficking?
10. In the US, the federal definition of human trafficking includes:
11. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children involves:
12. Which of the following is not true of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking?
13. What are the three elements that form the means of human trafficking and must be proven in order to prove trafficking for individuals over the age of 18?
14. Which is not one of the three elements that form the “ends” of human trafficking and must be proven in order to prove trafficking for individuals over the age of 18?
15. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children can include:
16. Which of the following is not necessarily an example of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children?
17. Who are the three major individuals in what’s known as the “Human Trafficking Triangle”?
18. Local human trafficking intervention often involves all but which of the following
19. Important to know in identifying victims of trafficking is:
20. Risk factors for being trafficked as a child include:
21. Which group of individuals in general is vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation or labor trafficking?
22. Common indicators that trafficked youth may display include:
23. True or False? Forms of recruitment into human trafficking can include peers, romantic partners, and social media.
24. A trauma bond is
25. Which of the following is not a common ploy used by traffickers when recruiting victims online?
26. Human trafficking is best contextualized within which of the following two perspectives?
27. Research into people who traffic others still offers very few insights into:
28. Gotch’s 2016 study found all but which of the following?
29. True or False? Domestic sex trafficking is a cultural issue for specific ethnic groups.
30. Problems inherent in incarceration and containment include all but which of the following:
31. The foundational principles of effective correctional intervention discussed include:
32. Which assessment instrument(s) provide recidivism information specific to sex trafficking?
33. Which of the following is not a hypothesis in working with people who perpetrate human trafficking in general?
34. True or False? For individuals with high levels of psychopathic traits, treatment is most effective when Factor 1 features are targeted.
35. What is the primary motivating factor for perpetrators of domestic sex trafficking?