Quiz – The Good Lives Model with Justice-Involved Women (OT200-A) (OT200-A) Quiz – The Good Lives Model with Justice-Involved Women Post-Course Exam Course Title: The Good Lives Model with Justice-Involved Women This exam contains 25 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 20 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like. First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. True or False? The primary aim of correctional intervention is to reduce harm inflicted on community. * a. True b. False 2. Which treatment provider characteristic inhibits effectiveness? * a. Sarcasm b. Confrontation c. Dismissive d. All of the above 3. The ___ principle directs professionals to use empirically supported approaches. * a. Risk b. Needs c. Responsivity d. None of the Above 4. Which of the following is true of primary human goods? * a. Individuals seek to attain them for their own sake. b. They are also called instrumental goods. c. They are markers for internal or external obstacles. d. All of the above 5. Women who perpetrate sexual offenses should be viewed from a ____ perspective. * a. Neutral b. Gendered c. Responsive d. All of the above 6. Which of the following is an instrumental good of personal choice and independence? * a. Establish personal control b. Desire for autonomy c. Self-directedness d. All of the above 7. True or False? The life experiences of women are unique and manifested differently compared to males. * a. True b. False 8. Gender-____ theories are derived from samples of male offenders that are then applied to females. * a. Neutral b. Responsive c. Specific d. All of the above 9. Which of the following works to reduce re-offending? * a. Common factors of effective psychotherapy b. Comprehensive re-entry planning c. Achieving informal social control d. All of the above 10. Which is an example of life/living and surviving as a primary good? * a. Healthy living and functioning b. Basic survival needs c. Physical activity d. Both a. and b. 11. Which primary good is very important for women? * a. Peace of mind b. Knowledge c. Relationships and friendships d. Spirituality 12. True or False? Higher ACE scores were associated with having older victims. * a. True b. False 13. Which of the following is a basic assumption of the GLM? * a. All persons strive to meet or acquire primary or basic goods. b. All persons organize or create their lives around core values and follow some type of good life plan. c. All persons strive for internal and external obstacles. d. Both a. and b. 14. True or False? The therapist who delivers the GLM is the most important variable. * a. True b. False 15. Which of the following is a risk-based treatment component? * a. Sexual self-regulation b. Offence progression c. Relationship/intimacy deficits d. All of the above 16. A good lives plan includes: * a. All goods important to the individual. b. Non-offending, practical ways to attain goods/goals. c. Strategies to manage needs/risk factors. d. All of the above 17. True or False? Punishment reduces risk. * a. True b. False 18. The therapeutic alliance is an agreement on: * a. Relationships. b. Goals. c. Tasks. d. All of the above 19. True or False? Women are generally low risk to re-offend sexually but at higher risk to commit other offenses. * a. True b. False 20. The fundamental goals of the GLM are: * a. Reduce risk and live a fulfilled life b. Apologize for causing harm and live independently c. Recognize harmful behavior and return to the community d. Approach goals and avoidance goals 21. Males and females who commit sexually motivated offenses share which characteristic? * a. Histories of ACEs b. Difficulties with relationships c. Antisocial attitudes d. All of the above 22. A ___ perspective should explain how social norms, identities, arrangements, institutions, and relationships transform gender into something physically and socially different. * a. Gendered b. Criminal c. Biological d. None of the above 23. ___ risk factors are markers for internal or external obstacles that block achieving primary goods in pro-social ways in addition to increasing risk. * a. Secondary b. Dynamic c. Primary d. Static 24. Which of the following is an instrumental good of knowledge? * a. Self-study b. Desire for independence c. Therapy and self-help activities d. Both a. and c. 25. Which of the following is an obstacle of a Good Life Plan? * a. Maladaptive/harmful means used to seek out primary goods b. Conflict between goods and/or means c. Lack of capacity to attain goods in a prosocial/adaptive way d. All of the above Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ