Quiz: SAPROF-SO Version 1 Training

OT254-A Quiz: SAPROF-SO Version 1 Training

Training Title: SAPROF-SO Version 1 Training
This exam contains 35 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 28 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like.

1. According to the presenters, existing risk assessment tools focus on risk factors without attending to people’s strengths, creating a process that is
2. Why do we need strengths-based assessment?
3. The SAPROF defines a protective factor as any characteristic of a person, their environment, or situation that reduces the person’s
4. Theoretical understanding of protection highlights the fact that risk is
5. True or false? Static-99R scores and Pretreatment VRS-SO scores should be largely related to SAPROF-SO scores.
6. In their summary of Version 1 research findings, what did the presenters determine about the subscales?
7. One of the presenters’ general guidelines for scoring the SAPROF-SO, is to base ratings
8. As a general rule, an individual’s level of protection can change when his __________ changes.
9. If functioning scores in the middle of two anchor points, assign
10. What should you do regarding future scores on items when changes are yet to be determined?
11. The absence of a risk factor ____________ the presence of a protective factor.
12. Which of the following is an example of a maladaptive schema?
13. In the case of Peter, which of the following was NOT listed as one of the resilience items to be scored?
14. Healthy expression of sexual drive was listed as one of the ____ elements of sexual self-regulation.
15. True or false? Strategies for negotiating inadvertently encountered situations is one of the elements involved in sexual self-regulation.
16. True or false? Institutional settings provide numerous situations that trigger offense-related sexual impulses.
17. An individual who occasionally masturbates to an offense-related fantasy would score a 2 on which adaptive sexuality item?
18. For a 4 rating on adaptive sexuality item 7, how many months must an individual in a controlled environment demonstrate prosocial interests?
19. Besides an individual’s self-acceptance about sexual orientation, what is required for a score of 4 on adaptive sexuality item 8. Prosocial sexual identity?
20. What is one of the requirements for a score of 4 on adaptive sexuality item 9. Intimate relationship?
21. What is prosocial connection & reward item 10?
22. A chronically unemployed individual would receive a score of 0 on which prosocial connection & reward item?
23. If an individual has structured activities that involve a mix of prosocial and antisocial peers, the individual would get a score of 2 on which prosocial connection & reward item?
24. Where must prosocial support come from in order for an individual to receive a score of 4 on prosocial connection & reward item 13. Social connection?
25. On which prosocial connection & reward item would an individual whose emotional connections to others is confined to group treatment receive a score of 2?
26. What word did the presenters use to quality the professional risk management items?
27. How often must an individual and therapist meet in order to score 4 on item P2. Therapeutic relationship?
28. What must an individual demonstrate in order to score 4 on item P3. Motivation for managing risk?
29. True or false? Scoring of P4. Medication can be n/a if no medication has been prescribed or recommended.
30. True or false? An individual who is living independently but is visited regularly by professionals can be scored 4 on professional risk management item P5 Supervised living.
31. The SAPROF-SO has incremental predictive validity relative to
32. True or false? Using the SAPROF-SO in therapy planning requires a separate assessment of dynamic risk.
33. The overall goal of treatment is to strengthen protection across each subscale such that posttreatment, average scores equal or exceed
34. Who was one of the authors of the Journal of Sexual Aggression article, Clinical applications of the structured assessment of protective factors against sexual offending (SAPROF-SO), Version 1?
35. How many calibration cases must a participant complete to be deemed SAPROF-SO certified?