Quiz: Preventing and Treating Adolescent Violence and Delinquent Behavior

OT219-A Quiz: Preventing and Treating Adolescent Violence and Delinquent Behavior

Training Title: Preventing and Treating Adolescent Violence and Delinquent Behavior
This exam contains 25 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 20 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like.

1. What percentage of juveniles arrested for property crime in 2019 were White?
2. What kind of youths are disproportionately represented at every decision point of the juvenile delinquency court process?
3. In 2019, tribal youths were more than ___ times as likely to be detained or committed in juvenile facilities as their white peers.
4. True or false? According to Haney, 2020, delinquent behavior is driven by fixed internal traits rather than adverse experiences.
5. There are two main etiological categories, distal and
6. The presenter defined the term ecological niche as
7. In disadvantaged ecological niches, there is an increased likelihood that violence will emerge as
8. Who is the author of Between the World and Me?
9. The science of trauma reveals that increased cortisol levels as well as _________ associated with hypervigilance leads to many harmful results.
10. More than ___ percent of juvenile justice involved youths report history of exposure to at least one traumatic event.
11. According to Dodge and Pettit, aggressive children/adolescents selectively attend to
12. True or false? Aggressive children/adolescents evaluate aggressive responses as morally acceptable.
13. What type of risk factors should be treatment targets?
14. Which of the following is NOT an individual protective factor?
15. Which of the following is NOT a family protective factor?
16. Indicators of peer protective factors include peers who
17. Indicators of school protective factors include schools that have
18. Indicators of community protective factors include communities that
19. The ______ assessment tool is employed for the purpose of alcohol and drug screening.
20. True or false? The APA defines evidence-based practice as the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences.
21. Which of the following was NOT listed by the presenter a one of the most successful community-based interventions?
22. Which of the following was NOT listed as an MST core treatment principle?
23. True or false? The MST model of service delivery calls for unlimited duration of treatment.
24. One of the critical components of programming for juvenile offenders is involving a cognitive component linked to
25. Risk factors predicting involvement in the juvenile justice system that are more predictive for girls than boys include