Quiz: Practical Application of The Good Lives Model (OT193-A) Quiz: Practical Application of The Good Lives Model Training Title: Practical Application of The Good Lives Model This exam contains 25 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 20 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like. First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. RNR is an acronym for * a. Reaction Not Response b. Risk, Need, Responsivity c. Responsivity, Nuance, Renewal d. Respond, Nurture, Reward 2. Which of the following is a core aim of the RNR model? * a. Clients should be treated humanely, with research and treatment conducted in an ethically responsible manner. b. The primary aim of correctional intervention is to reduce harm inflicted on the community. c. The most important treatment targets are those empirically associated with reduced re-offending. d. All of the above 3. True or False? The GLM, when applied properly, adheres to the RNR principles. * a. True b. False 4. Which of the following is a goal of the GLM approach? * a. Reducing/managing risk b. Attaining fulfilling life, psychological wellbeing c. Achieving informal social control d. Both a. and b. 5. Primary human goods are _________ that individuals seek to attain for their own sake. * a. Shelter, food, tools, essential items, etc. b. Actions, experiences, circumstances, states of being, etc. c. Finer things in life such as cars, fancy clothes, jewelry, luxury items, etc. d. Possessions of great personal value, such as heirlooms, family photos, etc. 6. Dynamic risk factors are best thought of as * a. External forces in a client’s life that can change without warning. b. A client’s explanation(s) for a previous offense that constantly changes. c. Markers for obstacles (mental or physical) for achieving primary goods in pro-social ways in addition to increasing risk. d. Immediate precursors to offending that signal a need to implement safety plans. 7. Which of the following is NOT one of the ten primary human goods used in the good lives model? * a. Life b. Knowledge c. Impulsivity d. Happiness 8. Which of the following is an example of a secondary good related to “relationships and friendships?” * a. Activities that facilitate meeting new people and maintaining relationships b. Spending time with friends c. Intimate relationships d. All of the above 9. Which of the following is an example of a secondary good related to “peace of mind?” * a. Activities to minimize emotional distress and achieve equilibrium b. Substance use or sexual activity to regulate mood and cope c. Formulating plans to achieve a specific end or objective d. Both a. and b. 10. Which of the following is an example of a secondary good related to “spirituality?” * a. Attends formal religious events b. Mindfulness c. Forest bathing d. All of the above 11. True or False? Punishment reduces risk. * a. True b. False 12. Which of the following is a dynamic risk factor? * a. Antisocial personality pattern b. General self-regulation difficulties c. Emotional identification with children d. All of the above 13. ____ includes the use of empirically supported approaches. * a. Risk b. Need c. Responsivity d. None of the above 14. Which of the following is NOT true of the GLM approach? * a. Strength-based b. Negative approach c. Integrated with RNR d. Motivational Approach 15. ____ goods are concrete ways to secure primary goods. * a. Dynamic b. Secondary c. Instrumental d. Both b. and c. 16. True or False? The GLM approach focuses on how treatment/supervision/case management will benefit clients. * a. True b. False 17. The good lives model proposes at least ____ primary human goods. * a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 10 18. The GLM proposes that offending and life problems result when * a. Maladaptive/harmful means are used to seek out primary goods. b. A Good Life Plan lacks scope. c. There is conflict between goods and/or means. d. All of the above 19. Trauma interferes with which of the following? * a. Decision-making b. Prediction of happiness c. The belief that predictions and decisions are possible d. All of the above 20. Intervention plans provide roadmap for working toward the dual aims of treatment, which include: * a. Enhanced well-being b. Reduced risk c. Protective factors d. Both a. and b. 21. Which of the following is NOT a common trauma response? * a. Nightmares b. Vivid memories c. Substance abuse d. Intrusive memories 22. True or False? Type 1 trauma is neither isolated nor simple. * a. True b. False 23. Which of the following is characteristic of type 2 trauma? * a. Chronic and complex b. Isolated and simple c. Acute stress disorder d. Time limited duration 24. Which of the following is NOT a trauma-impacted flight response? * a. Avoid relationships b. Avoid intimacy c. Healthy coping d. Self-medicate 25. True or False? Trauma focuses on surviving threats in the moment. * a. True b. False Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ