Quiz: Navigating the Challenges of Supervising Professionals Treating Sexual Aggression

(OT258-A) Quiz: Navigating the Challenges of Supervising Professionals Treating Sexual Aggression

Training Title: Navigating the Challenges of Supervising Professionals Treating Sexual Aggression
This exam contains 20 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 16 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like.

1. Common factors of effective psychotherapy include being
2. Who said that treatment is something we do for and with clients, not to and on them?
3. Models and techniques are less important than the _________ of each client.
4. Who authored the second edition of the book, The Great Psychotherapy Debate?
5. Of the clinicians who were asked by Walfish et al. to rate themselves, __ percent rated themselves below average.
6. Therapy dropout rates range between _________ percent.
7. True or false? Mandated clients generally respond less well as voluntary clients.
8. Therapists tend to be at their most effective one year after
9. Which of the following is an area of a person’s life that is rated in the outcome rating scale?
10. Which of the following is an aspect of a treatment session that is rated by a client in the session rating scale?
11. Which of the following was not one of the features of better therapists listed by the presenters?
12. In supervision sessions, it is important to
13. When treatment isn’t working,
14. What tool can be used to establish goal consensus in supervision?
15. True or false? Much of what the presenters are teaching about clinical relationship can be used in supervision relationship as well.
16. Which of the following is NOT one of the supervisee’s issues addressed at the beginning stage of development?
17. Which of the following is NOT one of the supervisee’s issues addressed at the middle stage of development?
18. True or false? One of the challenges of advanced supervision is that the supervisee has stopped growing professionally.
19. Which of the following was NOT one of the four components of using motivational interviewing skills in supervision?
20. Which of the following is NOT paired correctly?