Quiz – Motivational Interviewing and the Language of Change with Adolescents (OT107-A) (OT107-A) Quiz – Motivational Interviewing and the Language of Change with Adolescents First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. An example of ambivalence would be: * a. I’m not going to and you can’t make me b. I can’t stand going on like this c. I really want to work with you, but I don’t know if I can trust you d. I’m a wreck as a father 2. Motivational Interviewing is: * a. A comprehensive model of the offense cycle b. A client-centered counseling approach c. Empirically supported only for depression d. An overarching critical theory of how people change 3. Motivational Interviewing seeks to elicit the client’s: * a. Internal motivation for change b. External motivations for change c. Accurate treatment planning d. Full disclosure of offending 4. In Motivational Interviewing, the practitioner gives advice only when: * a. They have arrived at that part of the curriculum b. After the sexual history questionnaire is administered c. Only during the intake session d. Only when it is asked for or agreed to 5. “Change Talk” is: * a. The conversation about treatment planning b. Client statements of desire, ability, reason, or need to change c. How practitioners of MI provide feedback d. The crucial “linkage” to other cognitive-behavioral methods 6. Motivational Interviewing should never be used: * a. Without certification by William Miller, Ph.D., LLC b. With high-risk clients c. To persuade someone against their will d. Before the client actually starts changing 7. Adolescents very often: * a. Are poor candidates for Motivational Interviewing b. Require specialized consent from their guardian due to Motivational Interviewing’s status as an experimental form of treatment. c. Try to manipulate practitioners into using Motivational Interviewing. d. Present with high levels of ambivalence about their circumstances 8. Motivational Interviewing can dovetail effectively with: * a. The Good Lives Model b. Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment c. Trauma-Informed Care d. All of the above 9. Adolescents typically do best when they * a. Discover their own reasons for change b. Are held to account for their actions from the start of treatment c. Are allowed to socialize with one another d. Author their own treatment plans. 10. Evoking means * a. Paraphrasing specific words b. Working on the client’s goals c. Exploring the client’s internal motivation to change d. Calling forth transference issues. 11. Motivation is comprised of: * a. Drive and desire b. Drive and focus c. Confidence and competence d. Importance and confidence 12. In Motivational Interviewing, there is no such thing as: * a. Reactance b. Resistance c. Exclusivity d. Exposure 13. Which of the following is not a kind of reflection: * a. Exact words b. Reflecting emotion c. Reflecting meaning d. Reflecting facts 14. Motivational Interviewing should make adolescents feel all of these except: * a. Heard b. Understood c. Respected d. Forgiven 15. An MI-adherent structure for providing feedback is: * a. Elicit-Provide-Feedback b. Feedback-Provide-Ask c. Provide-Elicit-Explore d. Elicit-Provide-Elicit Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ