Quiz: Implementing the Principles of Risk Need Responsivity: Lessons Learned

(OT228-A) Quiz: Implementing the Principles of Risk Need Responsivity: Lessons Learned
1. Which of the following is a component of the responsivity principle?
2. The risk principle calls for matching the _________ of services to the offender’s risk level.
3. Targeting those behaviors that are directly related to the offender’s risk of reoffending is a component of the __________ principle.
4. Which of the following articles cited by the presenter as sources of RNR benefits is the most current?
5. What makes moving to RNR challenging?
6. One of the challenges of moving to RNR is finding pathways to implementing RNR with
7. Defining your population and its specific needs is part of
8. Which of the following is NOT a reason why external program evaluation is better than internal program evaluation.
9. Which of the following is NOT a program evaluation question?
10. What do you need to determine before you can interview staff and clients?
11. True or false? Creating groups for clients based on age and temperament is based on the responsivity principle.
12. True or false? Maximizing successful integration into the community is one of the recommended systemic changes.
13. Which of the following is NOT part of the role leadership plays in systemic change?
14. Periodic internal checks and continuous training are ways to avoid
15. Which of the following is NOT among the NCBM RNR assessments listed by the presenter?