Quiz: How to Optimize Successful Sex Offending Treatment with the Road to Freedom Program (NOT195-A) Quiz – How to Optimize Successful Sex Offending Treatment with the Road to Freedom Program First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. True or False? Risk, needs, strengths, and goals are different for each client. * a. True b. False 2. Which of the following is NOT a dynamic risk factor related to maladaptive coping? * a. Sexual preoccupation b. Negative mood states c. Social rejection d. Substance abuse 3. SAMHSA has __ key principles of trauma-informed care. * a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 6 4. Which of the following is NOT true of treatment? * a. Clear path to successful completion b. Collaborative treatment goals c. It is punishment d. Balance of program goals and client-directed process 5. True or False? You should focus on the behavior, not the person. * a. True b. False 6. Which of the following is part of SAMHA’s 4Rs? * a. Realize b. Respond c. Risk d. Both a. and b. 7. Which of the following is true of individual sessions? * a. Builds rapport b. Makes it safe to share with therapist and group c. Allows for individualized and personal exploration d. All of the above 8. True or False? Denial is not a defense mechanism. * a. True b. False 9. Which of the following occurs through group sessions? * a. Peer support b. Validation c. Mutual aid d. All of the above 10. Which of the following are types of denial? * a. Denial of the facts b. Denial of responsibility c. Denial of the need for treatment d. All of the above 11. Which of the following is a risk domain of peer culture? * a. Substance abuse b. Voyeurism c. Toxic masculinity d. Mood Disorders 12. Which of the following is a schema of themes and relational patterns? * a. Others b. The world c. Interpretations d. None of the above 13. What are ways that the workbook can be done? * a. Clients work on it at their own pace. b. Clients discuss their work in group as they go along. c. Some clients have a “study buddy.” d. All of the above 14. Emotional self-regulation may include which of the following? * a. Anger management b. Preoccupation c. Impulsivity d. Reasoning 15. How can one model empathy to clients? * a. Use feeling words. b. Convey understanding of experience. c. Validate emotions and thoughts. d. All of the above 16. Which of the following is true of peer support? * a. Validate feelings. b. Decreases isolation. c. Allows mentorship and leadership. d. All of the above 17. How can we encourage self-regulation skills rather than external controls? * a. Creating safe spaces b. Confidentiality – Codes of Ethics c. Dialogues with P/P about roles and ethical considerations d. All of the above 18. True or False? Group facilitation skills help build resilience. a. True b. False 19. Which of the following is NOT a flight response due to trauma? * a. Avoiding relationships b. Self-medicating c. Setting good boundaries d. Avoiding intimacy 20. Which of the following is true of The Road to Freedom workbook? * a. Not all assignments apply to all clients. b. Assignments can be done for now, with an opportunity to be revised. c. You can create a checklist to be completed as the client goes along. d. All of the above 21. Which of the following is a dynamic risk factor of self-regulation difficulties. * a. Impulsivity b. Negative mood states c. Relationship instability d. Lack of concern for others 22. Which of the following is an early belief system? * a. Blame b. Expectations c. Shame d. All of the above 23. The “O” in OARS stands for: * a. Objectives b. Open questions c. Optimism d. None of the above 24. Community safety is facilitated through: * a. Rehabilitation. b. Re-entry. c. Reduction of risk. d. All of the above 25. Which of the following is a freeze response due to trauma? * a. Being passive b. Avoiding relationships c. Being aggressive d. Avoiding intimacy Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ