Quiz: Creating High-Functioning Treatment Groups for Adults Who Have Sexually Abused

(OT188-A) Quiz: Creating High-Functioning Treatment Groups for Adults Who Have Sexually Abused

Training Title: Creating High-Functioning Treatment Groups for Adults Who Have Sexually Abused
This exam contains 25 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 20 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like.

1. Research has linked experiencing awe to increases in
2. According to Brene Brown, we are __________ to connect with others.
3. What was one of the observations the presenter made when observing 3,500+ hours of open-ended groups?
4. What percentage of members benefit when cohesion occurs in a group?
5. Whose writings suggested that the group leader’s primary task is building and maintaining a therapeutic group climate?
6. What is the most widely studied factor of group therapy?
7. According to the 2010 Safer Society North American Survey of treatment programs, ____% utilized some kind of group-based programming.
8. Which of the following resulted in positive treatment outcomes for a group of child abusers?
9. Through which of the following lenses should the therapist watch an individual client’s behavior in group?
10. Through which of the following lenses should the therapist watch the group?
11. Effective groups attend to and manage
12. The type of client who contributes to group effectiveness is one
13. Setting treatment expectations and defining group rules are important components of
14. If done in early sessions, which of the following is predictive of higher levels of disclosure and coherence later in the group?
15. In expectancy theory, what is valence?
16. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale administered to adults who had sexually abused, the respondents experienced ___ times the rate of verbal abuse as the control group.
17. According to Marshall, lacking experience, skills, and values to seek and establish effective and intimate relationships sets the stage for
18. True or false? According to Bumby & Hansen, rapists have more intimacy deficits than child molesters.
19. Meta-analysis of 82 studies found that _________ were not predictors of SO recidivism.
20. Attachment style affects treatment outcomes because it
21. Clients with what type of insecure attachment tend to perceive therapists and groups as not caring and not giving enough support?
22. Clients with what type of insecure attachment are uncomfortable with open personal discussions?
23. The opportunity to reenact critical family dynamics with group members in a corrective manner is called
24. What are the two definitional dimensions of cohesion in group therapy?
25. Effective groups