Quiz – Conducting Sexual Abuser Risk of Sexual Harm to Children Assessments Using the ROSAC

(OT165-A) Quiz – Conducting Sexual Abuser Risk of Sexual Harm to Children Assessments Using the ROSAC
1. Contact, as defined in the ROSAC manual, includes:
2. True or false? The types of risk assessment approaches that have been found effective are structured.
3. ROSAC assessments involve weighing the risks of:
4. The ROSAC can be used with individuals who have committed a sexual offense and are:
5. The ROSAC can be used with individuals who have committed a sexually abusive act, which typically is defined as:
6. Meta-analyses of sex offense treatment studies have found that treatment results in an absolute reduction of ____ in sexual reoffending.
7. Persistently committing sex crimes, especially after having been caught and sanctioned for doing so, is linked to ___ rates of sexual reoffending.
8. True or False? The ROSAC yields a total score.
9. True or False? The longer that individuals who have been convicted of committing a sexual offense have lived sex offense free in the community, the less likely they are to commit new sexual offenses.
10. True or False? Sexual interest in children is a relatively stable predictor of sexual reoffending.
11. A child, age 17 or younger, whom a responsible party believes may be at risk to be sexually abused by a sexual abuser is the definition of which of the following?
12. Who can be trained to use the ROSAC?
13. The ROSAC is NOT for which of the following?
14. What information can be used to code the ROSAC?
15. The ROSAC manual contains item definitions and scoring criteria using a ___-point scale.
16. True or False? There are benefits to a structured approach.
17. A ____ is a significant consequence for committing a sexually abusive act.
18. True or False? About 50% of exhibitionists go on to commit contact sex offenses.
19. Those who sexually abuse very young children are more likely to have:
20. Children with _______________ disabilities experience higher rates of maltreatment, including sexual abuse, than do other children.
21. For whom is a safety plan developed?
22. Which of the following is a step for reintegration?
23. Which of the following are measures of offense severity?
24. If a man’s only known sexual offenses are against male children, he is very likely to show _______ preferences if he reoffends.
25. Which of the following is a consideration for primary caregivers?
26. True or False? Sex offenders with extensive criminal histories are at higher risk to sexually reoffend than those with no or minimal criminal histories.
27. Which of the following is included in a safety plan for a child at risk?
28. During supervised in-home contact, the person who has abused does not:
29. True or False? There is no clear link between online and contact sexual offending.
30. Which of the following is a consideration associated with decreased risk?
31. True or False? Children who have been sexually abused ae at a significantly lower risk to be sexually abused again.
32. Which of the following is a measure of offense severity?
33. Which of the following is included in a sexual abuser safety plan?
34. True or False? Sexual re-offending risk decreases substantially the longer an individual remains sex offense-free in the community.
35. Which of the following should be considered about a sexual abuser’s lifestyle in the past year?