Quiz: Community Management of People Who Have Sexually Abused and the Challenges of Working with Special-Needs Clients (OT234-A) Quiz: Community Management of People Who Have Sexually Abused First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. What percentage of person who sexually offend are male? * 95 75 50 30 2. The largest age cohort of people who sexually offend is * Men aged 25–27. Men aged 30–32. Boys aged 13–15. Boys aged 16–18 3. People who sexually offend have more than ___________ the number of adverse childhood experiences. * twice three times four times six times 4. As many as 95% of people coming into the system for sexual offending * are pedophiles. have also been adjudicated for non-sexual offenses. are repeat offenders. have been caught for the first time. 5. True or false? Re-offense rates are lower than most people think. * True False 6. Most people on supervision who have returned to prison have been reincarcerated because of * Technical violations. New non-sexual offenses. New sexual offenses. All of the above 7. Which of the following was NOT offered by the presenter as a tip to increase the efficacy of community-based risk management? * Follow the RNR principles. Involve the offender’s family. Be data driven. Engage in knowledge transfer. 8. In the early 2000s, several very large meta-analyses arrived at the same conclusion: * Treatment doesn’t work. Nothing works. Rehabilitation efforts have no measurable effect. Punishment alone does not reduce bad behavior. 9. According to Bonta & Andrews, psychological assessment should include an identification of ___________ in addition to areas of concern. * deviant proclivities strengths and competencies possible personality disorders childhood traumas 10. Which of the following is NOT one of the “Big 4” factors determined by Andrews and Bonta to contribute most to re-engagement in bad behavior? * Antisocial personality structure Antisocial values and attitudes Antisocial family members Antisocial peer affiliation 11. Which of the following is an overarching risk factor in the literature about risk for sexual violence? * Empathy deficits Sexual deviance Antisociality Both b and c 12. Which of the following is NOT associated with risk? * Denial Youthful nonsexual violence Hypersexuality All of the above 13. True or false? Mismatching the level of intervention intensity to the level of risk can result in increased risk. * True False 14. Non-changeable life factors that relate to risk for sexual reoffending are categorized by Andrews and Bonta as ___________ risk factors. * stable acute transitory None of the above 15. The category of acute risk factors includes * personality characteristics. skills deficits. non-changeable life factors. factors of short or unstable duration. 16. In order for interventions to be ___________ , they need to target dynamic risk factors (criminogenic needs). * recognized by ATSA effective of reasonable duration All of the above 17. Which of the following is NOT an acute dynamic risk factor for sex/violence recidivism? * Sexual preoccupation Emotional collapse Cooperation with supervision Substance abuse 18. What does the second “R” in RNR stand for? * Risk Responsivity Regulation Recidivism 19. Contemporary research in our field suggests that learning to live a “good life” is * inconsistent with antisocial behavior. unrealistic for psychopaths. predictive of recidivism. difficult for older offenders who are set in their ways. 20. Which of the following is NOT one of Prochaska & DiClemente’s stages of change?q * Precontemplation Contemplation Action Reaction 21. True or false? According to the presenter, we are currently seeing a shift in our work that calls for us to identify clients’ weaknesses and how likely it is that bad behaviors will persist. * True False 22. The good lives model list of primary human goods includes * community. inner peace. knowledge. All of the above 23. Which of the following traits reduces the effectiveness of a treatment provider? * Sarcastic Use of humor Directive Flexible 24. Which of the following traits enhances the effectiveness of a treatment provider? * Critical Confrontational Attentive Judgmental 25. In the UK, MAPPA stands Multi-Agency ___________ Arrangements. * Police and Probation Public Protection Predation Prevention Protective Policy 26. CASOM stands for ___________ Sex Offender Management. * Comprehensive Approaches to Comparative Assessment of Community Associations for Common Answers to 27. All estimates of reoffending are confounded by * Definitions of the term “reoffending.” Under-reporting. Over reliance on self-reporting. All of the above 28. If they are going to, most persons with sexual offense histories will reoffend within ___________ of release. * six months one year three years five years 29. The current Circles of Support & Accountability model * is based on “wrap around care.” originated in the U.S. started in 2006 None of the above 30. True or false? Of the six outcome studies of the CoSA model cited by the presenter, three were conducted in the U.S., two were conducted in Canada, and one was conducted in the UK. * True False 31. Which of the following is NOT among the common characteristics of children with special needs? * Impulsive Insensitive to social cues Uninhibited Unfriendly 32. One of the greatest hurdles to defining ___________ is a lack of clarity as to what actually constitutes offensive sexual behavior. * sexual offending sexual deviance sexuality None of the above 33. A behavior observed in some people with special needs that looks “deviant” but may not be when you consider the circumstances has been called ___________ deviance. * circumstantial special counterfeit consequential 34. The ARMIDILO-S is a risk assessment too designed specifically for * Special needs clients. Repeat offenders. Teenage clients.. Adult female sexual offenders 35. True or false? Research shows that failure to complete treatment can elevate the level of risk. * True False 36. Given the ___________ of our clientele, programs must be culturally relevant, holistic, and community-based? * homogeneity widening age range Increasing diversity All of the above 37. True or false? For many clients with special needs and behavior problems, a less-structured living environment is recommended. * True False 38. What are the most important components of responsivity? * Materials presented in a manner that is simplified, concrete, and redundant Frequent review of topics covered Sufficient time for practice and repetition All of the above 39. True or false? Regarding cognitive-behavioral approaches to treating clients with special needs, the presenter suggests that they need a little more cognitive than behavioral. * True False 40. According to Gwen Willis, the safest “offender” has * a place to live. work. everything to lose by engaging in a new offending behavior. All of the above Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ